March 2020 Data Releases
This March, the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) released five new datasets, including data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the Census of Federal Law Enforcement Officers (CFLEO). These data cover topics relating to victimization, crime rates, arrests, school safety, and more. For more information about a particular study, please click on any of the study links below.
BJS Data Releases
- National Crime Victimization Survey, [United States], 2017 (ICPSR 36981) (Update)
- National Crime Victimization Survey, Concatenated File, [United States], 1992-2018 (ICPSR 37322)
- Census of Federal Law Enforcement Officers (CFLEO), [United States], Fiscal Year 2016 (ICPSR 37607)
NIJ Data Releases
- Training School Resource Officers to Improve School Climate and Student Safety Outcomes, Arizona, 2015-2017 (ICPSR 37366)
- A Group Randomized Trial of Restorative Justice Programming to Address the School to Prison Pipeline, Reduce Aggression and Violence, and Enhance School Safety in Middle and High School Students, North Carolina, 2014-2018 (ICPSR 37293)
Apr 8, 2020