College and Beyond II (CBII) Alumni Survey Open Response Data, [United States], 2021 (ICPSR 38589)

Version Date: Dec 12, 2022 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Paul N. Courant, University of Michigan; Allyson Flaster, University of Michigan; Susan Jekielek, University of Michigan; Margaret Levenstein, University of Michigan; Timothy A. McKay, University of Michigan; Kevin M. Stange, University of Michigan


Version V1

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The College and Beyond II (CBII) Alumni Survey Open Response Study contains two open-response variables extracted from the CBII Alumni Survey. The 'essay' variable details an important undergraduate experience described by the respondent and ways it has contributed to the respondent's life today. The 'final' variable contains any other information the respondent wanted to write about. The Open Response Study data can be linked with other CBII student-level data using the id_person variable.

Content warning: Users should be aware that some responses cover sensitive topics such as experiences of discrimination, sexual assault, suicidal ideation, and substance misuse. Respondents' experiences of discrimination include incidents of hate speech and the use of racial slurs. ICPSR has chosen to preserve the data as it was collected, without masking these words, and is not condoning their use.

Courant, Paul N., Flaster, Allyson, Jekielek, Susan, Levenstein, Margaret, McKay, Timothy A., and Stange, Kevin M. College and Beyond II (CBII) Alumni Survey Open Response Data, [United States], 2021. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2022-12-12.

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  • RIS (generic format for RefWorks, EndNote, etc.)
  • EndNote
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (1802-05485, 1910-07255)


Access to these data requires an application and signed Restricted Data Use Agreement. Details, including the Restricted Data Use Agreement, are provided via the online application and email sent to the requestor after a request is initiated.

Information to Help You Complete Your Application

In 700 words or less, applicants must include the following information in the Description field:

1) The research questions, problems, or issues the project will address.

2) A description of the data the project plans to use (e.g., student transcripts from years 2010-2020, STEM course descriptions) and specific variables of interest.

  • An overview of CBII studies is available here.
  • A listing of CBII variables is available here.
  • 3) An explanation about why the restricted data is needed to conduct this research.

    4) IMPORTANT: An explanation about how the research will contribute to improving educational instruction. Applications cannot be approved without a valid explanation.

    Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research


    The Alumni Survey target population are domestic bachelor's degree recipients who earned their degrees in academic year 2009-2010 from select CBII institutions


    The Alumni Survey Open-Response Study consists of responses to two open-response questions in the CBII Alumni Survey. These questions are:

    • [essay] "Think back on the experiences and events that made up your undergraduate years. Choose on that seems especially important and explain it. Then discuss the ways it has contributed to your life today, in personal and/or professional terms."
    • [final] "Is there anything else you would like to tell us?"



