CRELES Now Available in the NACDA Portal!

The NACDA Portal  now features three waves of the Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (Costa Rica Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable) Series (CRELES) - Compare across time within the series using convenient variable groupings and create custom codebooks. 

CRELES is a set of nationally representative longitudinal surveys of health and lifecourse experiences of older Costa Ricans. CRELES was conducted by the University of Costa Rica's Centro Centroamericano de Población and Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud, in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley.

CRELES in the portal shows data available for topics like standard memory questions across all three waves.

The NACDA Portal also has several other longitudinal data series, cross-series comparisons, and a new multi-series comparison with HRS cognitive items as the baseline. Go to to explore these series!

Nov 15, 2023

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