Request for Pilot Proposals - NLCHDD
Request for Pilot Proposals
Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD)
Due Date: Friday, October 14, 2022
The Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD), funded by the National Institute on Aging, invites interested researchers to submit pilot proposals that examine how multiple contexts (e.g., state and local) jointly shape health and mortality of midlife and older adults.
Examining multiple contexts is essential because it 1) reflects the reality that people are embedded in multiple contexts, each having independent or synergistic effects on adult health and mortality, 2) can identify appropriately targeted strategies and interventions.
Proposals might examine, for example, how state policy contexts affect adult health in rural versus urban counties; or how the relative importance of different contexts on health changes across the life course and differ by gender, race/ethnicity, and SES.
The NLCHDD is seeking proposals that will advance science in this important area and to lead to fundable grants.
Review this pdf for more information and submission instructions.
Aug 8, 2022