NSHAP - New Standardized Terminology Regarding Rounds and Waves of Data Collection

In February 2021, the NSHAP Team agreed upon a new standardized terminology to refer to the timepoints at
which NSHAP data are collected. Authors of publications, proposals, and other materials using
NSHAP data are asked to adopt this terminology moving forward.

The term “Round” will refer to each of NSHAP’s major periodic data collection efforts. So far,
NSHAP has completed three rounds of data collection:

  • Round 1 [R1], conducted in 2005-06
  • Round 2 [R2], conducted in 2010-11
  • Round 3 [R3], conducted in 2015-16
  • The current round, Round 4 [R4], will be conducted in 2021-22


The term “Cohort” will refer to the category of persons deemed eligible at successive recruitment
Rounds. These are birth cohorts (e.g., born 1920–47) together with coresident spouses or
partners (who themselves may have been born outside the range of the cohort).

  • Cohort 1 [C1] covers those born 1920–1947 (sampled in Round 1) and their coresident spouses or partners (recruited in Round 2).
  • Cohort 2 [C2] covers those born 1948–1965 & their coresident spouses/partners (sampled in Round 3).


The term “Wave” is a within-cohort term and will refer to the sequence of observations for each

  • In Round 1, we collected Wave 1 [W1] data for Cohort 1: C1W1
  • In Round 2, we collected Wave 2 [W2] data for Cohort 1: C1W2
  • In Round 3, we collected Wave 3 [W3] data for Cohort 1: C1W3
  • In Round 3, we collected Wave 1 [W1] data for Cohort 2: C2W1
  • In Round 4, we will collect Wave 4 [W4] data for Cohort 1: C1W4
  • In Round 4, we will collect Wave 2 [W2] data for Cohort 2: C2W2


Mar 26, 2021

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