RUSCORP: A Database of Corporations in the Russian Empire, 1700-1914 (ICPSR 9142)

Version Date: Jan 12, 2006 View help for published

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Thomas C. Owen

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The RUSCORP database is a body of machine-readable information illuminating the rise of capitalist institutions in tsarist Russia. Specifically, it presents profiles of all for-profit corporations founded in the Russian Empire (except in the Grand Duchy of Finland) from the time of Peter the Great to the eve of World War I. RUSCORP describes the initial state of these companies at the time of their incorporation as well as their condition in 1847, 1869, 1874, 1892, 1905, and 1914. Major items covered by the data include the amount of basic capital, the number and price of shares, the location of headquarters and main operations, industrial classifications of major economic functions, the citizenship, ethnicity, sex, and social status of founders and managers, and tsarist restrictions regarding the ethnicity or citizenship of stockholders, management, and other key employees. The database also contains profiles of all foreign corporations operating in the Russian Empire in 1914.

Owen, Thomas C. RUSCORP: A Database of Corporations in the Russian Empire, 1700-1914. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2006-01-12.

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National Science Foundation (SES-8419943)
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

1700 -- 1914
1979 -- 1992
  1. Parts 1-51 are components of a relational database linked by common identification variables. Parts 1-26 contain information on 4,539 corporations founded under the tsarist regime from 1700 to the end of 1913. Parts 27-39 contain information on the 14,245 founders of the corporations described in Parts 1-26. Parts 40-45 describe the 68, 186, 433, 614, 1,354, and 2,167 Russian corporations surviving to 1847, 1869, 1874, 1892, 1905, and 1914, respectively. Parts 46 and 48 contain information on 5,243 managers of the 1,354 corporations described in Part 44. Parts 47 and 49-51 contain information on 8,093 managers of the 2,167 corporations described in Part 45. Part 52 describes the 262 foreign corporations operating in the Russian Empire in 1914.


Complete enumeration, subject to gaps in the tsarist sources.

All for-profit corporations founded in the Russian Empire (except in the Grand Duchy of Finland) during 1700-1913, at the time of their incorporation, and in 1847, 1869, 1874, 1892, 1905, and 1914, plus all foreign corporations operating in the Russian Empire in 1914.

Data on corporate charters: (1) POLNOE SOBRANIE ZAKONOV ROSSIIKOI IMPERII [Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire]. SOBRANIE 1. St. Petersburg: 1839-1843 (45 vols.). (2) POLNOE SOBRANIE ZAKONOV ROSSIIKOI IMPERII [Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire]. SOBRANIE 2. St. Petersburg: 1830-1884 (55 vols.). (3) POLNOE SOBRANIE ZAKONOV ROSSIIKOI IMPERII [Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire]. SOBRANIE 3. St. Petersburg: 1882-1916 (33 vols.). (4) SOBRANIE UZAKONENII I RASPORIAZHENII PRAVITEL'STVA [Collection of Government Statutes and Decrees]. St. Petersburg: 1863-1917 (annual). Data on corporations existing in 1869: (5) Ministerstvo Finansov. "Spisok Aktsionernykh Obshchestv, Tovarishchestv Na Paiakh I Kompanii Po Poriadku Ikh Utverzhdeniia." EZHEGODNIK MINISTERSTVA FINANSOV [Yearbook of the Ministry of Finance] 1 (1869), 308-315. Data on corporations existing in 1892: (6) Ministerstvo Finansov, Departament Torgovli I Promyshlennosti. SVEDENIIA OB AKTSIONERNYKH KOMPANIIAKH, OBSHCHESTVAKH VZAIMNOGO STRAKHOVANIIA I BIRZHEVYKH ARTELIAKH, DEISTVUIUSHCHIKH V ROSSII V 1891-1892 OPERATSIONNYKH GODAKH [Information About Joint-Stock Companies...]. St. Petersburg: 1894. Data on corporations existing in 1905: (7) Dmitriev-Mamonov, Vasilii Aleksandrovich, Count, ed. UKAZATEL' DEISTVUIUSHCHIKH V IMPERII AKTSIONERNYKH PREDPRIIATII [Index of Corporations Active in the Russian Empire]. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg: 1905. Data on corporations existing in 1914: (8) "AKTSIONERNO-PAEVYE PREDPRIIATIIA ROSSII," SOSTAVLENO PO OFFITSIAL'NYM DANNYM, IZVLECHENNYM IZ MATERIALOV UTVERZHDENNYKH OBSHCHIMI SOBRANIIAMI AKTSIONEROV I PAISHCHIKOV I RASPUBLIKOVANNYM V ORGANAKH MINISTERSTVA TORGOVLI I PROMYSHLENNOSTI I MINISTERSTVA FINANSOV. RUSSKII TORGOVYI FLOT. AKTSIONERNYE BANKI ["Corporations in Russia,"...]. St. Petersburg: 1914, and (9) Ministerstvo Torgovli i Promyshlennosti, Otdel Torgovli. SBORNIK SVEDENII O DEISTVUIUSHCHIKH V ROSSII AKTSIONERNYKH OBSHCHESTVAKH I TOVARISHCHESTVAKH NA PAIAKH [Compendium of Information About Joint-Stock Companies and Share Partnerships Active in the Russian Empire]. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg: 1914



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:
  • Owen, Thomas C. RUSCORP: A Database of Corporations in the Russian Empire, 1700-1914. ICPSR09142-v3. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2020-01-16.

2006-01-12 All files were removed from dataset 53 and flagged as study-level files, so that they will accompany all downloads.

