Comparative Taxation Dataset on 40 Countries and Areas, 1870-2001 (ICPSR 37365)

Version Date: Apr 28, 2022 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Elisabeth Anderson, New York University in Abu Dhabi; Monica Prasad, Northwestern University; Andre Nickow, Northwestern University

Version V2 ()

  • V2 [2022-04-28]
  • V1 [2019-08-29] unpublished
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The construction of this Comparative Taxation Dataset is made possible by National Science Foundation (NSF). The dataset is collected mainly from International Historical Statistics (IHS), 2003, and Flora, Peter (1987) State economy and society in Western Europe, 1815-1975. The study covers 22 countries (total 40 countries and areas). The collection includes economically active population, infant mortality rates, unemployment, indices of industrial production, output of crude petroleum, output of natural gas, output of electrical energy, money supply, total central government expenditure and revenue, wholesale price indices, consumer price indices and so on.

Anderson, Elisabeth, Prasad, Monica, and Nickow, Andre. Comparative Taxation Dataset on 40 Countries and Areas, 1870-2001. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2022-04-28.

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  • EndNote
National Science Foundation (0847725)


Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

1870 -- 2001
  1. The data collected covers 22 Countries, which includes total 40 countries and areas. Some countries have more than one country IDs.


The data collection is a pooled time-series of the comparative taxation data in 40 countries and areas over a period of over 100 years (1870-2001), resulting in 4403 observations.

Time Series: Discrete, Time Series, Time Series: Continuous

The comparative taxation dataset in the 40 countries and areas.

International Historical Statistics (IHS), 2003

Flora, Peter (1987) State economy, and society in Western Europe, 1815-1975.



2022-04-28 Replaced the PI codebook with a new version in order to make the variable names in the codebook match the variable names in the dataset.

