University of Michigan Campus Climate Survey on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2016 (ICPSR 37096)

Version Date: Jun 13, 2019 View help for published

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Robert Sellers, University of Michigan

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University of Michigan Campuswide Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Climate Assessment

This data collection contains the results of a sample survey of University of Michigan (U-M), Ann Arbor, faculty, staff, and students meant to represent the full diversity of the community and to capture information and perceptions on demographics, climate, institutional commitment and inclusive and equitable treatment, departmental norms, intergroup interactions, and discrimination. With input from committees of students, faculty, and staff, the survey instrument was developed collaboratively by the U-M Office of the Provost, U-M's Survey Research Center, and administered by SoundRocket, an external social science survey research company. The instrument was delivered as a web survey, and several notifications and reminders were used to encourage completion, as well as an incentive. These notifications and reminders were delivered in phases.

Variables in the collection describe age, gender and gender identity, race/ethnicity, school/department/unit, religious affiliation, disability status, campus safety, rating of campus climate, intergroup interaction, discriminatory events, composite rating scores, and more.

Sellers, Robert. University of Michigan Campus Climate Survey on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2016. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2019-06-13.

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Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

2016-09 -- 2016-12
  1. For further information, please see the University of Michigan Diversity, Equity and Inclusion website.


The purpose of this study was to serve as a baseline for understanding the present campus climate at the University of Michigan, to help inform current and future planning, and as a benchmark against which to measure change over time.

Phase 1

  • Faculty: Stratified random sample (n=1,500) using the University's race/ethnicity variable, with oversamples of Black, Hispanic, and Native American faculty members. The final counts used for analysis included 1,026 faculty.
  • Staff: Stratified random sample (n=3,500) with the same race/ethnicity stratification as used for faculty sample and oversamples of Black, Hispanic, and Native American staff members. The final counts used for analysis included 2,178 staff.
  • Students: Stratified random sample (n=3,500) with the same race/ethnicity stratification as used for faculty sample and oversamples of Black, Hispanic, and Native American students. The final counts used for analysis included 1,800 students.

Phase 2

  • Sample of remaining, active cases, including all those who had visited the web survey in Phase 1 but did not complete it.


Faculty members and staff employed at the University of Michigan as of September 1, 2016.

All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University of Michigan as of October 1, 2016.


Faculty: unweighted 68%; weighted 71%

Staff: unweighted 62%; weighted 74%

Students: unweighted 51%; weighted 59%




Each data file contains a custom statistical weighting variable, prefixed with "WGT_". For full details of the weighting strategy, please refer to the relevant section of the final reports included in the User Guide.



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