Russian Election Study, 1995-1996 (ICPSR 3323)

Version Date: Feb 15, 2002 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Timothy Colton; William Zimmerman

Version V1

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This data collection provides information on the voting patterns of Russian citizens and their attitudes toward the electoral process, political parties, and individual politicians. Three panel surveys were completed through face-to-face interviews before and after the December 1995 parliamentary election and on the heels of the June 1996 presidential election. The surveys covered the following attitudinal and behavioral areas: (1) interest in politics, (2) exposure to campaign materials, (3) partisanship (both "feeling thermometers" and knowledge of party positions), (4) electoral choice, (5) opinion on the transition and its elements (privatization, economic liberalization, social safety net reform, political competition, freedom of speech and thought), (6) foreign policy views, and (7) views on democracy, government, and morality. Demographic information includes sex, age, marital status, family size, size of birth place and of current area of residence, education, nationality, linguistic group, religious affiliation and practice, occupation, detailed employment history, and individual and family income and expenses.

Colton, Timothy, and Zimmerman, William. Russian Election Study, 1995-1996. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2002-02-15.

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Carnegie Corporation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

1995 -- 1996
1995 -- 1996
  1. The surveys were conducted in Russian. The documentation for this study is available in English (codebook and data collection instrument) and in Russian (data collection instrument).

  2. The ASCII data file, SAS data definition statements, SPSS data definition statements, and SPSS portable file contain Cyrillic characters: all four files use the Windows Cyrillic 1251 character set.

  3. Most variables in the data definition statements and in the SPSS portable dataset do not have value labels. Please see the codebook to determine value labels for the specific variables.

  4. Many responses to open-ended questions are available only in Russian in text form in the data file--they were not recoded in any way.

  5. Some variables contain the undocumented codes "9," "99," and "999," which, according to information received, represent other responses that do not fit into the given categories.

  6. The codebook and the English-language version of the data collection instrument are provided by ICPSR as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The Russian-language version of the data collection instrument is provided by the principal investigator as a PDF file.

  7. Produced by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Demoscope Group.


Multistage area probability sample.

Russian citizens of voting age (18 years or older).

personal interviews



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:

  • Colton, Timothy, and William Zimmerman. Russian Election Study, 1995-1996. ICPSR03323-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2002.

