Detroit Arab American Study (DAAS), 2003 (ICPSR 4413)

Version Date: Oct 25, 2006 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Wayne Baker, University of Michigan; Ronald Stockton, University of Michigan-Dearborn; Sally Howell, University of Michigan; Amaney Jamal, Princeton University; Ann Chih Lin, University of Michigan; Andrew Shryock, University of Michigan; Mark Tessler, University of Michigan


Version V2

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The Detroit Arab American Study (DAAS), 2003, a companion survey to the 2003 Detroit Area Study (DAS), using a representative sample (DAS, n = 500) drawn from the three-county Detroit metropolitan area and an oversample of Arab Americans (DAAS, n = 1000) from the same region, provides a unique dataset on September 11, 2001, and its impacts on Arab Americans living in the Detroit metropolitan area. The data contain respondent information concerning opinions on their experiences since the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, social trust, confidence in institutions, intercultural relationships, local social capital, attachments to transnational communities, respondent characteristics, and community needs. Examples of the issues addressed in the data include frequency of religious participation, level of political activism, level of interaction with people outside of their cultural, racial, and ethnic groups, and the quality of the social and political institutions in their area. Background information includes birth country, citizenship status, citizenship status of spouse, education, home ownership status, household income, language spoken in the home (if not English), marital status, number of children (under 18) in the household, parents' countries of birth and citizenship status, political affiliation, total number of people living in the household, voter registration status, whether the respondent ever served in the United States Armed Forces, and year of immigration, if not born in the United States.

Baker, Wayne, Stockton, Ronald, Howell, Sally, Jamal, Amaney, Lin, Ann Chih, Shryock, Andrew, and Tessler, Mark. Detroit Arab American Study (DAAS), 2003. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2006-10-25.

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Russell Sage Foundation (91-03-06), Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

2003-07 -- 2003-12
  1. The date variable (IWDATE) has been split into three numeric equivalents (I_MONTH, I_DAY, and I_YEAR) by ICPSR staff in order to maintain continuity across statistical files.

  2. In order to get the month, day, and year of an interview, please use I_MONTH, I_DAY, and I_YEAR together.

  3. Removed a broken link from the Summary field.


Dual frame sample: Area probability and list sample using lists provided by Arab American organizations in the greater Detroit metropolitan area.

All adults aged 18 and older living in households in the greater Detroit metropolitan area who self-identified as Arab or Chaldean.


(1) AAPOR dual frame sample: 73.7 percent. (2) AAPOR area probability sample: 73.8 percent. (3) AAPOR list frame sample: 73.3 percent.



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:

  • Baker, Wayne, Ronald Stockton, Sally Howell, Amaney Jamal, Ann Chih Lin, Andrew Shryock, and Mark Tessler. Detroit Arab American Study (DAAS), 2003. ICPSR04413-v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2006-10-25.

2006-10-25 Additional information about weighting was added in the metadata record and to the codebook. The questionnaire was moved out of the PDF codebook and made its own separate PDF document.


The data contain a weight variable, FINALWGT. Analyses of these data should be performed using this variable. Please refer to the codebook Sampling and Weighting Information section for a detailed explanation of how the weight variable, FINALWGT, was calculated.

