Deadlines for the 2016 Summer Program
March 31, 2016: Applications due for the free workshops "Transparency and Reproducibility Methods for Social Science Research" and "BITSS: Research Transparency."
April 15, 2016: Applications submitted by this date for the workshop "Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Data User Workshop" will receive highest priority; travel stipend applications due for the PSID workshop.
April 25, 2016: Applications due for the free workshop "Secondary Data Analysis and the National Addiction & HIV Data Archive Program (NAHDAP)."
April 30, 2016: Applications due for the free workshop "Exploratory Data Mining via SEARCH Strategies."
April 30, 2016: Applications due for all ICPSR scholarships, for the Janet Box-Steffensmeier and John A. Garcia Scholarships, and for the Hanes Walton, Jr. Award for Quantitative Methods Training.
April 30, 2016: Early payment discount for four-week registration fees expires at 11:59 P.M. EDT.
Mar 24, 2016