Now Available: Tsogolo La Thanzi (TLT) Births and Postpartum Data

African woman from Malawi wearing an orange shirt and carrying an infant in a colorful sling, standing in a doorway of a brick and wood building. She is smiling yet looks fatigued.

Tsogolo la Thanzi (TLT) is a longitudinal study in Balaka, Malawi designed to examine how young people navigate reproduction in an AIDS epidemic. 

The Births Data contain reports on children from all women and men in the sample who reported having children (n=2,580 respondents, 6,082 births). Data were constructed from the original TLT-1 (waves 1-8), the refresher wave (wave 9), and TLT-2 (wave 10). The dataset contains information on birth order and outcomes for children born to TLT respondents.

The Postpartum dataset is a supplementary survey module that was administered to women TLT participants during waves 2 to 8 who reported having a new birth since their last interview, and to those in the refresher sample (wave 9) who reported a recent birth in the past 4 months. The survey focused on several aspects of the childbirth experience and the mother's and child's postpartum health.

Access the TLT: Births Data, Malawi, 2009-2015 [Healthy Futures] study page
Access the TLT: Postpartum Data, Malawi, 2009-2012 [Healthy Futures] study page

May 10, 2024

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