History of International Love Data Week
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Love Data Week was established in 2016 as Love Your Data week. Originally created in the USA, it quickly grew to an international event in which a wide range of institutions, organizations, scholars, students, and other data lovers could celebrate their data.
Originally coordinated by Heather Coates, the planning committee developed themes, wrote and curated content, and developed activities. The aim was to celebrate data in all its forms, promote good research data management strategies, share data success and horror stories, and ask hard questions about the role of data in our lives.
In 2018, the name was officially changed to Love Data Week.
In 2021, ICPSR became the official hosting institution for Love Data Week.
Yearly themes
- 2024: My Kind of Data
- 2023: Data: Agent of Change
- 2022: Data is for everyone
- 2021: (Themes chosen locally)
- 2020: (Themes chosen locally)
- 2019: Data in everyday life, data justice, and open data
- 2018: Stories about data, telling stories with data, connected conversations, we are data
- 2017: Data Quality
- 2016: Good Practice
Articles and scholarly publications
- Rod, A. B., Isuster, M. Y., & Chandler, M. (2021). Love Data Week in the time of COVID-19: A content analysis of Love Data Week 2021 events. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2021.102449
- Wissel, K. & DeLuca, L. (2018). Learning to love data (week). C&RL News. https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/article/view/17373/19153
- Valentine’s Day week is extra special with a love for data. Elise Monsour Puckett, Virginia Tech News.
- Love Data Week on National Today: https://nationaltoday.com/love-data-week/
- ‘Love Data Week’ is in Full Swing. Here’s How to Participate. Jane Lee. Nightengale, journal of the Data Visualization Society.
- What do I need to do as a local Love Data Week organizer? Read more to get insight into the experience putting together Love Data Week at an individual academic universities: what does a pilot year look like, and how organizing changes after the pilot year. Please share and adapt these guides widely if they can be of use to you.
Planning Committee
The International Planning Committee ensures that participating institutions have a great week by developing a core set of materials. We particularly need individuals (who have design and social media skills, or who have journalism or storytelling skills) who are able to extend the reach and engagement of this event beyond librarians. The Planning Committee is responsible for:
- Developing an overall theme
- Selecting the particular audience(s) for engagement
- Developing daily messages and supporting content (stories, strategies & tools, examples, and activities)
- Redesigning & maintaining the website
- Writing social media messages for local site coordinators to use and adapt
- Developing digital images that can be used to create swag like buttons & stickers
Additional information
Archived historical information is available from the Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) ScholarWorks Repository.
Keep In Touch
Sign up for Love Data Week updates by subscribing to the Love Data Week email list
Questions? Contact LoveDataWeek@umich.edu