National Incident-Based Reporting System, 1996 (ICPSR 2465)

Version Date: Jul 16, 2009 View help for published

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United States Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation


Version V3

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The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is a part of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR), administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In the late 1970s, the law enforcement community called for a thorough evaluative study of the UCR with the objective of recommending an expanded and enhanced UCR program to meet law enforcement needs into the 21st century. The FBI provided its support, formulating a comprehensive redesign effort. Following a multiyear study and in consultation with local and state law enforcement executives, new guidelines for the Uniform Crime Reports were created. The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is being implemented to meet these guidelines. NIBRS data are archived at ICPSR as 13 separate data files, which may be merged by using linkage variables. The data focus on a variety of aspects of a crime incident. The Batch Header Segment (Parts 1-3) separates and identifies individual police agencies by Originating Agency Identifier (ORI). Batch Header information, which is contained on three records for each ORI, includes agency name, geographic location, and population of the area. Part 4, Administrative Segment, offers data on the incident itself (date and time). Each crime incident is delineated by one administrative segment record. Also provided are Part 5, Offense Segment (offense type, location, weapon use, and bias motivation), Part 6, Property Segment (type of property loss, property description, property value, drug type and quantity), Part 7, Victim Segment (age, sex, race, ethnicity, and injuries), Part 8, Offender Segment (age, sex, and race), and Part 9, Arrestee Segment (arrest date, age, sex, race, and weapon use). Part 10, Group B Arrest Report Segment, includes arrestee data for Group B crimes. Window Segments files (Parts 11-13) pertain to incidents for which the complete Group A Incident Report was not submitted to the FBI. In general, a Window Segment record will be generated if the incident occurred prior to January 1 of the previous year or if the incident occurred prior to when the agency started NIBRS reporting. As with UCR, participation in NIBRS is voluntary on the part of law enforcement agencies. The data are not a representative sample of crime in the United States. For 1996, nine states were fully or partially participating in NIBRS.

United States Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation. National Incident-Based Reporting System, 1996. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2009-07-16.

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  • EndNote
United States Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research


Local law enforcement agencies in the United States.

self-enumerated forms



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:

  • United States Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation. National Incident-Based Reporting System, 1996. ICPSR02465-v3. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2009-07-16.

2009-07-16 The data were updated following receipt of updated files from the FBI, including additional arrestee records.

2008-11-06 Duplicate records were deleted from the data files and the codebook was updated to reflect current standards.

2006-03-30 File CB2465.ALL.PDF was removed from any previous datasets and flagged as a study-level file, so that it will accompany all downloads.

2005-11-04 On 2005-03-14 new files were added to one or more datasets. These files included additional setup files as well as one or more of the following: SAS program, SAS transport, SPSS portable, and Stata system files. The metadata record was revised 2005-11-04 to reflect these additions.

2001-11-14 The data files were reprocessed to be more compatible with a Windows environment. No changes were made to the corresponding data definition statements.

2000-10-05 ICPSR data undergo a confidentiality review and are altered when necessary to limit the risk of disclosure. ICPSR also routinely creates ready-to-go data files along with setups in the major statistical software formats as well as standard codebooks to accompany the data. In addition to these procedures, ICPSR performed the following processing steps for this data collection:

  • Checked for undocumented or out-of-range codes.



  • The public-use data files in this collection are available for access by the general public. Access does not require affiliation with an ICPSR member institution.