Celebrating Pride Month With Resources From ICPSR
As we consider the struggle, triumphs, tragedies, and milestones in decades since Stonewall (1969), here at ICPSR we turn to data to remember, reflect, and gain new insights about the past as we move forward. We have updated our selection of datasets, video and audio content, events, and more to share and explore as you celebrate Pride Month with data and resources from ICPSR. The NEW! label denotes resources added to this guide for Pride Month 2024.
ICPSR Supports LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act
ICPSR has joined a group of 90 organizations that support the passage of the LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act, expected to be reintroduced during the 118th Congress in June 2023. The LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act would facilitate the collection of voluntary, self-disclosed demographic data on sexual orientation, gender identity, and variations in sex characteristics across federal surveys, while maintaining necessary confidentiality and privacy standards that govern federal statistics. [More]
From ICPSR's Current Events in the Bib: "LGB health disparities indirectly linked to childhood maltreatment"
Source citation: Alley, J., Brener, S. A., Diamond, L. M. (in press 2023). Associations between childhood victimization, adult victimization, and physical health among sexually diverse adults at different stages of life. LGBT Health.
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (“sexually diverse”) people continue to suffer disparities in health outcomes compared to heterosexual people in the US. According to this recently published article in LGBT Health, research findings are inconsistent when it comes to identifying the underlying causes of these disparities. Authors Alley et al. noted that the stress of social stigma and discrimination is widely considered to be a cause, but few large studies look at the influence of childhood stress exposure. [More]
NEW! Research Spotlight from the ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related Literature: "Criminal Justice and the LGBT+ Population"
In this Research Spotlight, the focus is on publications that use data from studies distributed by the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD).
NCHAT's PIs won the Inaugural ICPSR Simmons Award in 2022.
National Couples' Health and Time Study (NCHAT), United States, 2020-2021 (ICPSR 38417)
The National Couples' Health and Time Study (NCHAT) is a population-based study of couples in America that contains representative samples of racial and ethnic diverse and sexual and gender diverse individuals. NCHAT entered the field on September 1, 2020, and data collection was completed in April 2021. Note: NCHAT's Co-PIs Claire Kamp Dush & Wendy Manning were the first recipients of ICPSR's Piper Simmons Data Contributor of the Year Award in 2022.
NEW! IPUMS Contextual Determinants of Health (CDOH) Sexual and Gender Minority Measure: Proportion Identifying as LGBTQ by State, United States, 2021-2022 (ICPSR 38853)
The IPUMS Contextual Determinants of Health (CDOH) data series includes measures of disparities, policies, and counts, by state or county, for historically marginalized populations in the United States including Black, Asian, Hispanic/Latina/o/e/x, and LGBTQ+ persons, and women.
The IPUMS CDOH data are made available through ICPSR/DSDR for merging with the National Couples' Health and Time Study (NCHAT), United States, 2020-2021 (ICPSR 38417) by approved restricted data researchers. All other researchers can access the IPUMS CDOH data via the IPUMS CDOH website.
Data-Related Publication from the ICPSR Bibliography: Movement Advancement Project LGBTQ Policy Spotlight: Mapping LGBTQ Equality 2010 to 2020
Boulder, CO: Movement Advancement Project.
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Studies related to this publication:
Mapping LGBTQ Equality: 2010 to 2020, United States (ICPSR 37877)
TransPop, United States, 2016-2018 (ICPSR 37938)
The TransPop study is the first national probability sample of transgender individuals in the United States (it also includes a comparative cisgender sample). A primary goal of this study was to provide researchers with a representative sample of transgender people in the United States. The study examines a variety of health-relevant domains including health outcomes and health behaviors, experiences with interpersonal and institutional discrimination, identity, transition-related experiences, and basic demographic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, religion, political party affiliation, marital status, employment, income, location, sex, gender, and education).
NEW! Data-Related Publication from the ICPSR Bibliography: The Effects of Medical and Legal Transition on Gender Non-Affirmation in a Probability Sample of U.S. Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults
2023, Hollister, Lisa A. Thesis, University of Colorado at Denver.
More: (PDF)
NEW! Data-Related Publication from the ICPSR Bibliography: Hidden (and not so hidden) messaging in top-utilized U.S. social surveys: The persistence of heteronormative ideology and the gender binary
2022 Tabler, Jennifer, Gonzales, Carlos M., Snyder, Jamie A., Schmitz, Rachel M., Geist, Claudia
Demography of Transgender, Nonbinary and Gender Minority Populations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing,
Add Health, NHATS, NIS, Round 1 and 2 (Public and Restricted)
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Data-Related Publication from the ICPSR Bibliography: Wilson, Bianca D.M., Meyer, Ilan H., Nonbinary LGBTQ Adults in the United States
Los Angeles, CA: Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.
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Studies related to this publication:
Generations: A Study of the Life and Health of LGB People in a Changing Society, United States, 2016-2019 (ICPSR 37166)
TransPop, United States, 2016-2018 (ICPSR 37938)
Data-Related Publication from the ICPSR Bibliography: Protecting and Advancing Health Care for Transgender Adult Communities
Medina, Caroline, Santos, Thee, Mahowald, Lindsay, Gruberg, Sharita. Center for American Progress.
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Studies related to this publication:
TransPop, United States, 2016-2018 (ICPSR 37938)
Data-Related Publication from the ICPSR Bibliography: What we know (and don't know) about the bereavement experiences of same-sex spouses
Donnelly, Rachel, Reczek, Corinne, Umberson, Debra. LGBTQ Divorce and Relationship Dissolution: Psychological and Legal Perspectives and Implications for Practice. Oxford University Press, .
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Studies related to this publication:
Health and Relationships Project, United States, 2014-2015 (ICPSR 37404)
Data-Related Publication from the ICPSR Bibliography: Intersectionality, linked fate, and LGBTQ Latinx political participation
Moreau, Julie, Nuno-Perez, Stephen, Sanchez, Lisa M., . Political Research Quarterly. 72, (4), 976-990.
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Studies related to this publication:
Collaborative Multi-racial Post-election Survey (CMPS), United States, 2016 (ICPSR 38040)
Resources for Research on Gender Identity, Sexual Behavior, and Sexual Orientation
From the ICPSR Resource Center for Minority Data, Resources for Research on Gender Identity, Sexual Behavior, and Sexual Orientation offers data resources for those interested in studying gender identity, sexual behavior, and sexual orientation, or in finding datasets in which those populations are well-represented. We include data resources available at ICPSR and elsewhere.
Generations: A Study of the Life and Health of LGB People in a Changing Society, United States, 2016-2019 (ICPSR 37166)
Generations, archived with DSDR, was conducted over a five-year period to examine health and well-being across three generations of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGB). The study explored identity, stress, health outcomes, and health care and services utilization among LGBs in three generations of adults who came of age during different historical contexts. This collection includes public- and restricted-use files for the baseline, wave 1, and wave 2 data collected as part of the Generations study.
Quantifying Gender Identities and Behaviors (Video)
Jacob Alden Sargent, Associate Director for Instruction and Research for the Center for Digital Liberal Arts at Occidental College, reviews some of the challenges in creating gender-inclusive categories in surveys using real-world examples. This presentation was recorded on September 22, 2020, as part of the 2020 ICPSR Data Fair: Data In Real Life.
ICPSR Data Brunch Episode 4: Measuring Transgender Populations (Audio)
Skylar Hawthorne and David Thomas join us to discuss three specific surveys of the transgender population in the United States, how best to measure "unseen" populations, and the ideal thickness of French toast.
National Transgender Discrimination Survey, [United States], 2008-2009 (ICPSR 37888)
This study brings to light what is both patently obvious and far too often dismissed from the human rights agenda. Transgender and gender non-conforming people face injustice at every turn: in childhood homes, in school systems that promise to shelter and educate, in harsh and exclusionary workplaces, at the grocery store, the hotel front desk, in doctors' offices and emergency rooms, before judges and at the hands of landlords, police officers, health care workers, and other service providers.
2015 U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS) (ICPSR 37229)
The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS) was conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) to examine the experiences of transgender adults in the United States.
Data-Related Publication from the ICPSR Bibliography: Anti-LGBTQ hate: An analysis of situational variables
Kehoe, Jill. Journal of Hate Studies. 16, (1), 21-34.
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Studies related to this publication:
- National Crime Victimization Survey, 2007 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 25141)
- National Crime Victimization Survey, 2008 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 26382)
- National Crime Victimization Survey, 2009 (ICPSR 28543)
- National Crime Victimization Survey, 2010 (ICPSR 31202)
- National Crime Victimization Survey, [United States], 2011 (ICPSR 34061)
- National Crime Victimization Survey, [United States], 2012 (ICPSR 34650)
- National Crime Victimization Survey, [United States], 2013 (ICPSR 35164)
- National Incident-Based Reporting System, 2007: Extract Files (ICPSR 25341)
- Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Hate Crime Data, 2007 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 25107)
- National Incident-Based Reporting System, 2008: Extract Files (ICPSR 27741)
- Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Hate Crime Data, 2008 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 27645)
- National Incident-Based Reporting System, 2009: Extract Files (ICPSR 32562)
- Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data: Hate Crime Data, 2009 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 30764)
- National Incident-Based Reporting System, 2010: Extract Files (ICPSR 33601)
- Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data: Hate Crime Data, 2010 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 33524)
- National Incident-Based Reporting System, 2011: Extract Files (ICPSR 34603)
- Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data: Hate Crime Data, 2011 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 34583)
- National Incident-Based Reporting System, 2012: Extract Files (ICPSR 35036)
- Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data: Hate Crime Data, 2012 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 35086)
- National Incident-Based Reporting System, 2013: Extract Files (ICPSR 36121)
- Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data: Hate Crime Data, 2013 [Record-Type Files] (ICPSR 36118)
Add to the list of suggestions from the ICPSR Community (Form):
Williams Institute at UCLA
The Williams Institute is dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. The Institute disseminates its research to policymakers, judges, the media, and other stakeholders to ensure that decisions impacting the lives of millions of LGBT people and families are based on data and facts.
The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) has over 12,000 studies on Gender Identity, Sexual Behaviour, Sexual Orientation in CESSDA Data Catalogue.
Extend your research impact: Archive your LGBTQIA+ research with ICPSR
Do you have data related to the LGBTQIA+ community that you’d like to archive and share? Consider archiving it with ICPSR so that it may continue to answer research questions in the years to come. Visit our data deposit page for more information.
Contact: Dory Knight-Ingram
Jun 12, 2024