High School and Beyond, 1980: Sophomore and Senior Cohort Third Follow-up (1986) (ICPSR 8896)

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United States Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics



Version V3

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This data collection represents the fourth wave of the High School and Beyond series. The base-year data (ICPSR 7896) were collected in 1980, and the first and second follow-ups (ICPSR 8297 and ICPSR 8443) were conducted in 1982 and 1984. The High School and Beyond series is a longitudinal study of students who were high school sophomores and seniors in 1980. As with the first and second follow-ups, the structure and documentation of High School and Beyond Third Follow-Up data files represent a departure from base-year (1980) practices. While the base-year student file contains data from both the senior and sophomore cohorts, the three follow-up surveys provide separate student files for the two cohorts. Each of the cohort files for this collection merges the base year and first and second follow-up data with the third follow-up data. To maintain comparability with prior waves, many questions from previous follow-up surveys were repeated on the third follow-up questionnaire. Respondents were asked to update background information and to provide information about their work experience, unemployment history, education and other training, family information, income, and other experiences and opinions. Event history formats were used for obtaining responses about jobs held, schools attended, periods of unemployment, and marriage patterns. New items were added on respondents' interest in graduate degree programs and on alcohol consumption habits. The transcript files, which present data taken from official records of academic and vocational schools, include information on program enrollments, periods of study, fields of study pursued, specific courses taken, and credentials earned.

United States Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics. High School and Beyond, 1980:  Sophomore and Senior Cohort Third Follow-up (1986). Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-01-21. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR08896.v3

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Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

1986 (spring and summer)
  1. Data for the transcript study are contained in four files: course, student, term, and transcript. These four files are organized so that they may be used in combination hierarchically.


Multi-stage, stratified, clustered sampling design.


10th and 12th grade high-school students enrolled in United States schools in the spring of 1980.


self-administered mail-back questionnaires, personal and telephone interviews



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:

  • United States Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics. High School and Beyond, 1980: Sophomore and Senior Cohort Third Follow-up (1986). ICPSR08896-v3. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-01-21. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR08896.v3

2014-01-21 The three original ICPSR codebooks available for this collection have been merged into one, and ICPSR variable descriptions and frequencies for all datasets have been included; the updated codebook is distributed as a study-level file, to accompany all datasets. All parts that only included data documentation in statistical formats have been removed, and new statistical packages were generated to accompany each dataset. The SPSS and SAS setup files were updated; Stata setup files, as well as SPSS and Stata system files, SAS transport (CPORT) files, tab-delimited data files and R data files were added to the collection.


The Senior Cohort Third Follow-Up data file (DS1) includes data from the base year through three follow-ups and also the base year test data. Nine different weights have been calculated to adjust for the fact that not all sample members have data for all instruments in all survey waves. Table 3.2.1-1 from the Introduction to the Senior file in the "Original ICPSR Codebook, 1988 Release" describes the weights computed for this data file, including the type of data that each weight variable applies to. The weights calculated for the sophomore cohort (DS2: Sophomore Student File Base Year Through Third Follow-Up Data) are listed and described in Table 3.6-1 from the Introduction to the Sophomore file in the "Original ICPSR Codebook, 1988 Release". A description of the weights calculated for the Post-Secondary Transcript Survey for the Sophomore Cohort (DS3, DS4, DS5, and DS6) is included in Table 5-8 from the Introduction to the Transcript Survey in the "Original ICPSR Codebook, 1988 Release".

