Latino National Political Survey, 1989-1990 (ICPSR 6841)

Version Date: Jun 11, 1998 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Rodolfo de la Garza; Angelo Falcon; F. Chris Garcia; John A. Garcia

Version V3

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This data collection measures the political attitudes and behaviors of three specific Latino groups in the United States: Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban. A geographic Latino population coverage rate of at least 85 percent was desired for this study. Variables cover the respondent's family history, organizational memberships, political participation, voting practices, preferences on policy issues, views toward political parties and political candidates/leaders, political behavior, sources of political information such as the media, feelings about political trust and efficacy, perceptions of the relationship between government and Latino groups, and degree of concern about international issues and social problems. Demographic variables include sex, age, ethnicity, marital status, education, education of parents and spouse, parental status, religious preference, employment status, occupation, home ownership, military service, country of origin, and citizenship.

de la Garza, Rodolfo, Falcon, Angelo, Garcia, F. Chris, and Garcia, John A. Latino National Political Survey, 1989-1990  . Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1998-06-11.

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Ford Foundation, Tinker Foundation, Spencer Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

1989-07 -- 1990-03
1989-07 -- 1990-03
  1. The codebook and data collection instruments are provided as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The PDF file format was developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated and can be accessed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Information on how to obtain a copy of the Acrobat Reader is provided through the ICPSR Website on the Internet.


Area probability national sample of Latino households from a selection of 40 Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) stratified based on Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs) and rural counties. Initial sampling fractions were based on 1980 Census housing unit counts by Latino subgroup.

Adult population (18 years and older) of the United States who are Puerto Rican, Mexican, or Cuban with one parent or at least two grandparents solely of Puerto Rican/Mexican/Cuban origin.

personal interviews



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:

  • de la Garza, Rodolfo, Angelo Falcon, F. Chris Garcia, and John A. Garcia. Latino National Political Survey, 1989-1990 . ICPSR06841-v3. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1998.

1998-05-27 In the previous version of the codebook and SAS and SPSS data definition statements for this collection, the value labels for the variable RCOUNTRY (In what country were you born?) were incorrect for codes 2 and 3. The correct label for code 2 is "Puerto Rico" and the correct label for code 3 is "Mexico". Revised SAS and SPSS data definition statements have been produced and the codebook has been updated.

