Stroke Initiative for Gait Data Evaluation (STRIDE), United States, 2012-2020 (ICPSR 38002)

Version Date: Aug 23, 2021 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Natalia Sanchez, University of Southern California

Version V2 ()

  • V2 [2021-08-23]
  • V1 [2021-06-21] unpublished
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STRIDE is an initiative based at the University of Southern California to create an inter-institutional, public database containing de-identified demographic and kinematic, kinetic, and spatiotemporal measures assessed via gait analysis in individuals post-stroke, to provide a larger and more heterogeneous research dataset than that typically amassed at a single institution. The data in STRIDE can be used to run pilot analyses and power calculations for research studies, design and validate statistical models to test associations between gait variables, provides data for simulation-based biomechanical studies in stroke, and provides data to assess the reproducibility of research findings, without the added data collection requirements.

Sanchez, Natalia. Stroke Initiative for Gait Data Evaluation (STRIDE), United States, 2012-2020. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2021-08-23.

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National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS) (KL2TR001854), Center for Large Data Research & Data Sharing in Rehabilitation (CLDR) (P2CHD065702)
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

2012 -- 2020
2020-09-01 -- 2021-03-01
  1. Data contributors for the database are:
  2. Ryan T. Roemmich, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
  3. James M. Finley, Ph.D., University of Southern California
  4. Gelsy Torres-Oviedo, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
  5. Trisha M. Kesar, PT, PhD., Emory University

The purpose of the study was to understand how persons post-stroke generate symmetric steps and how the resulting gait pattern relates to the metabolic cost of transport.

55 persons post-stroke walked on an instrumented treadmill under two conditions: preferred walking and symmetric stepping (using visual feedback). Kinematic, kinetic, and metabolic data during both conditions were recorded.

Survivors of a first, unilateral stroke between 18 and 90 years of age across the United States who are able to walk on a treadmill for more than 2 minutes.



2021-08-23 Data on control participants for University of Southern California were added.



  • The public-use data files in this collection are available for access by the general public. Access does not require affiliation with an ICPSR member institution.

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This study is maintained and distributed by Advancing Research on Disability.