Celebrating Women's History Month With Data Resources From ICPSR and More


Happy Women's History Month from ICPSR


Happy Women’s History Month! Below, you'll find data about women in elected office, the economic impact of cruise ships on women in developing countries, and more. Check out the list below, and please suggest additions. Enjoy!



  • Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) Annual Survey of U.S. Economics Departments, United States, 1994-2020 (ICPSR 37118): This data release is based on a survey of Ph.D. and non-Ph.D. granting U.S. economics departments for the years 1994-2020 and 2006-2020, respectively. The primary source of data is the annual Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) surveys. CSWEP is a committee of the American Economic Association (AEA). These data are supplemented with data from the AEA's Universal Academic Questionnaire (UAQ) information when CSWEP data observations are missing for a given institution and year. Observations that are missing in both CSWEP and UAQ surveys are imputed using linear interpolation.


  • Evaluation of In-Prison Programming for Incarcerated Women: Addressing Trauma and Prior Victimization, United States, 2017-2020 (ICPSR 37891): The Urban Institute, in collaboration with the Correctional Leaders Association (CLA), the National Center on Victims of Crime (NCVC), and the Center for Effective Public Policy (CEPP), and with funding from the National Institute of Justice, conducted a two-tiered, 33-month, exploratory mixed methods study of the policies, programs, and practices used nationwide to address the needs of incarcerated women with prior trauma and victimization experiences and prevent in-custody victimization, aiming to generate actionable information for policymakers, practitioners, and program developers. This is the first single, comprehensive study documenting the extent to which facilities implement trauma-informed and gender-responsive approaches to address women's victimization experiences, whether they offer victim services, the range of services offered, and the prevalence of trauma-informed practices in state-level women's correctional facilities. It establishes foundational knowledge for the field regarding the scope, structure, and composition of these approaches, including their trauma-informed components and use in women's correctional facilities.


  • Expanding Use of the Social Reactions Questionnaire among Diverse Women, Denver, Colorado, 2013-2016 (ICPSR 36776): The Social Reactions Questionnaire (SRQ) is a widely used instrument designed to measure perceptions of social reactions. Studies using the SRQ have generally asked women to report on social reactions from "other persons told about the assault," without specifying which persons. The purpose of this study was to test a modified version of the SRQ that asked women to report separately on social reactions from criminal justice personnel, community-based providers, and informal supports. The researchers sought to examine changes in social reactions longitudinally as well as the impact of social reactions on criminal justice engagement and post-traumatic distress among diverse women following a recent sexual assault. The study included testing hypotheses about the inter-relationships among social reactions, victim well-being (e.g., psychological distress), and criminal justice variables (e.g., victim engagement with prosecution). Addressing the dearth of longitudinal research on social reactions, this study examined causal links among variables. In particular, researchers tested hypotheses about changes in social reactions over time in relation to criminal justice cases and victims' post-traumatic reactions.


  • Maternal Depression and Child Health (Research Spotlight): Banaeefar, H. (2022). ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related Literature Research Spotlight: Maternal depression and child health (No. 1-2022). Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.


  • Women and Children in Developing Countries of South and Southeast Asia (Research Spotlight): Palvolgyi-Polyak, Eszter. “ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related Literature Research Spotlight: Women and Children in South and Southeast Asian Countries.” No. 2-2021. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, 2021.




  • Women's Movements & Women's Policy Offices in Western Postindustrial Democracies, 1970-2001 (ICPSR 30681): This dataset was produced by the Research Network on Gender Politics and the State (RNGS) as a part of a cross-national longitudinal study of women's policy offices and women's movements in western postindustrial democracies. The RNGS dataset contains 130 policy debates/observations from 13 countries coded on 28 concepts and over 110 variables. It provides information on women's movements, women's policy offices, policy making processes, and policy debates over a 35-year time period.


  • Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN) Series: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN)  is a multi-site, longitudinal, epidemiological study designed to examine the health of women during their middle years. The study examines the physical, biological, psychological and social changes during this transitional period. The goal of SWAN's research is to help scientists, health care providers and women learn how mid-life experiences affect health and quality of life during aging. SWAN began in 1994 and is co-sponsored by the National Institute on Aging ( NIA), the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Research on Women's Health, and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Between 1996 and 1997, 3,302 participants joined SWAN through seven designated research centers. Each follow-up wave included participants from the initial wave. The research centers are located in the following communities: Ypsilanti and Inkster, MI (University of Michigan); Boston, MA (Massachusetts General Hospital); Chicago, IL (Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center); Alameda and Contra Costa County, CA (University of California Davis and Kaiser Permanente); Los Angeles, CA (University of California at Los Angeles); Hackensack, NJ (Hackensack University Medical Center); and Pittsburgh, PA (University of Pittsburgh).


  • Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) Recruitment Studies, 2008 (ICPSR 35244): The 2008 Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) Recruitment Studies are studies of United States state legislators' and mayors' pathways to office that were conducted by the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University. Data about state legislators and mayors of big cities were gathered through survey instruments that consisted primarily of questions concerning the decision to seek office, previous political experience, and personal background. The studies, which were conducted by mail, web, and phone, were designed to replicate a 1981 CAWP study about gender and pathways to elective office. All women serving in the legislatures of the 50 states were surveyed, along with a random sample of men state legislators; men were randomly selected and sampled in proportion to the number of women serving in each chamber and state. All women mayors of cities with a population of 30,000 and above serving in 2008 were surveyed, along with a random sample of men mayors. Demographic variables include age, education, race, and marital status.


  • National Women's Study, 1975 (ICPSR 7532): This survey of American women was based on interviews from a geographically stratified probability sample of 1,522 adult women. The interviews were made in August and September 1975. Approximately 278 variables are contained in this dataset. The study focused on women's attitudes and opinions toward their current activities, patterns of life, and their views about the future. Comprehensive questions were asked about the work patterns of women, leisure activities, and mass media use. Other questions dealing with women's rights issues, such as day care centers, ERA, and divorce were also included. A full range of demographic information was also obtained.


Suggest additions to this list

There are many more options in the 6,000+ studies, 18,000+ variables, and 4,000+ Data-related publications found when searching for “women” on the ICPSR website. Did we miss some of your favorites? Please add them to the list


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Contact: Dory Knight-Ingram


Mar 7, 2023

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