Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account, United States, 1998-2017 (ICPSR 36357)
Version Date: Mar 17, 2020 View help for published
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National Endowment for the Arts;
United States Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Version V6 (see more versions)
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Additional information may be available in Collection Notes.
Data tables in Excel files are available through NADAC (click on "Other" in the Dataset(s) section). Users should consult the NEA's Arts Data Profile #21 or the BEA's Industry Economic Accounts page for additional details about the arts and cultural production data and other resources.
Estimates in the data tables are based on the 2007 Benchmark Input-Output Table from BEA. All estimates are nominal (not adjusted for price changes) unless otherwise noted and are annual.
Before reviewing the data, users are encouraged to review the Table Guide provided in the Dataset(s) section as it provides important information for all data tables.
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Summary View help for Summary
The Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account (ACPSA) is produced through the partnership between the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Built with the BEA's input-output (I-O) accounts, the ACPSA provides detailed statistics that illustrate the impact of arts and cultural production on the United States economy. Specifically, this account provides an assessment of the arts and cultural sector's contributions to gross domestic product (GDP).
For years 1998 to 2017, the ACPSA presents annual statistics about the following items: (1) Output of detailed arts and cultural commodities and the industries producing these commodities; (2) employment and compensation within these industries; (3) arts and cultural value added by industry; and (4) commodity-flow details for arts and cultural production products. In the data tables provided (click on "Other" in the Dataset(s) section), the statistics fall under two broad categories: (1) core arts and cultural production and (2) supporting arts and cultural production. The core category contains the commodities in which the output primarily contributes to arts and culture. Performing arts, museums, design services, and arts education are included in the core category. The supporting category consists of commodities that support the core category through publication, dissemination of the creative process, or other supportive functions. This category contains event promotion, printing, and broadcasting.
Six national-level data tables are provided for each year from 1998 to 2017:
- Table 1. Production of Commodities by Industry
- Table 2. Output and Value Added by Industry
- Table 3. Supply and Consumption of Commodities
- Table 4. Employment and Compensation of Employees by Industry
- Table 5. Total ACPSA-related Employment by Industry
- Table 6. Output by ACPSA Commodity
For the years 2012 to 2017, an additional seventh data table is added:
- Table 7. Real Output by Commodity
For years 2001-2017 a state-level employment data table is included. It contains estimates for each state annually of employment and compensation by industry, and comparisons with ACPSA employment and compensation by industry the same year. It also includes the annual total of employment in each state across the arts and cultural commodities industries.
In addition, estimates of real value added by industry and estimates of real gross output and prices indexes by ACPSA commodity are provided in separate Excel files (click on "Other" in the Dataset(s) section). The industries and commodities presented in the data are based on the 2007 North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). Users are encouraged to review the Table Guide provided in the Dataset(s) section as it gives important information for all data tables. Also, users should review The NEA Guide to the U.S. Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account and other related materials available on NEA's Arts Data Profile #21.
The State-Level ACPSA Value added data contains value added by industry by state. The variables contained in this file are year, state, industry code, industry, and value added location quotient.
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Data tables in Excel files are available through NADAC (click on "Other" in the Dataset(s) section). Users should consult the NEA's Arts Data Profile #21 or the BEA's Industry Economic Accounts page for additional details about the arts and cultural production data and other resources.
Estimates in the data tables are based on the 2007 Benchmark Input-Output Table from BEA. All estimates are nominal (not adjusted for price changes) unless otherwise noted and are annual.
Before reviewing the data, users are encouraged to review the Table Guide provided in the Dataset(s) section as it provides important information for all data tables.
Additional information or questions about the ACPSA can be sent to:
Original Release Date View help for Original Release Date
Version History View help for Version History
2020-03-17 This collection was updated to include updated versions of all data in the collection, incorporating new 2017 data. An updated report and table guide was also added.
2019-03-19 This collection was updated to include updated versions of all data in the collection, incorporating new 2016 data. An updated report and table guide was also added.
2018-03-06 This collection was updated to include data from 2015, State Level ACPSA value added quotients, a 2015 report, and an updated table guide.
2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:- National Endowment for the Arts, and United States Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account, United States, 1998-2017. ICPSR36357-v6. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2020-03-17.
2017-04-19 Added updated infographic and data for the years 2013 and 2014. Also updated the data for the year 2012, the real gross output by commodity, the real value added by industry, and added state level employment data and a master list of industries. Additionally, the table guide for the data was updated.