Dutch Parliamentary Election Study, 1994 (ICPSR 6740)

Version Date: Nov 13, 1997 View help for published

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H. Anker; E.V. Oppenhuis



Version V2

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This survey, the ninth in a series of election studies from the Netherlands, focuses on the May 3, 1994, elections for the Second Chamber of Parliament. This election occurred after the Lubbers-III Cabinet formed by the political parties CDA and Pvda had reached the end of its term. The survey was administered in two waves, one conducted before the election and one following the vote. In the first wave, respondents provided information on their interest in politics, what they considered the most important national problem, how they intended to vote in the upcoming election, political party membership and affiliation, attitudes toward government policies and officials, opinions on political and social issues such as crime, minorities, nuclear energy, and income differences, and a variety of personal and demographic characteristics. Many first-wave items were repeated in the second wave. During the second wave, respondents also reported the name of the party they had voted for in the election and their reasons for doing so. Other variables recorded voter perceptions of the stance of various political parties on issues such as crime, unemployment, pollution, and economic concerns, voter knowledge of national politicians, rating of political parties based on a 10-point left-right scale, attitudes toward politics and the effectiveness of government, union membership, and opinions on European unification. Respondents were also asked to describe how they would participate in the governing process if they thought that the Second Chamber of Parliament was about to consider a bill that the voter thought unjust, and, in addition, to state which national goals should receive the highest priority.

Anker, H., and Oppenhuis, E.V. Dutch Parliamentary Election Study, 1994. Steinmetz Archive [distributor], Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1997-11-13. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR06740.v2

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Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Netherlands), Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (Netherlands), Social and Cultural Planning Office (Netherlands), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, University of Amsterdam. Department of Political Science, University of Nijmegen (Netherlands). Department of Political Science
Steinmetz Archive, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

  1. The data file contains string variables which are 255 characters. Due to SAS limitations, these variables were split in the SAS data definition statements. As a result, 509 variables are identified in the SAS data definition statements.

  2. The data collection instruments are written in Dutch.


A sample of 4,000 households was drawn from the Geographic Base Register, which is based to a large extent on the national mail delivery register of the Netherlands. From all eligible citizens within each household, one person was randomly selected by interviewing the person whose birthday was first. No substitution by another person was allowed in the case of refusal, no-contact, or other factors precluding an interview.

Members of the Dutch electorate at the time of the 1994 parliamentary election.

personal interviews



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:

  • Anker, H., and E.V. Oppenhuis. Dutch Parliamentary Election Study, 1994. ICPSR06740-v2. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Steinmetz Archive/Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributors], 1997. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR06740.v2

1997-11-13 The codebook has been reformatted and is now distributed as a PDF file. In addition, the data file has been reformatted and is available as a logical record length file. Also, SAS and SPSS data definition statements have been created for this collection.

