Tax and Census Records, New York City, 1789-1790 and 1810 (ICPSR 2863)

Version Date: Jan 18, 2006 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Edmund P. Willis

Version V1

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The objective of this data collection was to examine inequalities of wealth and the geographic distribution of wealthy individuals in late 18th- and early 19th-century New York and to investigate wealth in relationship to occupation and location. For this study, the entire set of tax assessment records and United States Census records for New York City were computerized and occupational status was added for all entries. The collection addresses topics such as social class structure, demographic factors, occupational status and geographic distribution, property values and geographic distribution, and the relationship of these factors to the political system. Units of analysis were individual property owners and renters for the tax assessment data and heads of households for the census data. Data collected included the individual's name, address, occupation, sex, and race, the type, quantity, and value of real and personal property, and the type and occupancy of the structure at the address. Occupational data from city directories were used to supplement the tax and census data.

Willis, Edmund P. Tax and Census Records, New York City, 1789-1790 and 1810. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2006-01-18.

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City University of New York-FRAP Award (RF-11035 and RT-23983-76-265), National Endowment for the Humanities
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

1974 -- 1977

All entries from the Record of Assessment, New York City (1789 and 1810), and the United States Census, New York City (1790 and 1810).

New York City archives, tax assessment records for 1789 and 1810, and United States Census records for 1790 and 1810



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:
  • Willis, Edmund P. Tax and Census Records, New York City, 1789-1790 and 1810. ICPSR02863-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2000.

2006-01-18 File CB2863.ALL.PDF was removed from any previous datasets and flagged as a study-level file, so that it will accompany all downloads.

2000-03-23 ICPSR data undergo a confidentiality review and are altered when necessary to limit the risk of disclosure. ICPSR also routinely creates ready-to-go data files along with setups in the major statistical software formats as well as standard codebooks to accompany the data. In addition to these procedures, ICPSR performed the following processing steps for this data collection:

  • Checked for undocumented or out-of-range codes.
