British Crime Survey Series
Investigator(s): Home Office Research and Planning Unit, University of Essex
The primary purpose of the British Crime Survey is to estimate how many of the public in England and Wales are victims of selected types of crime over a year, describing the circumstances under which people become victims, and the consequences of crime for victims. Other aims include providing background information on fear of crime among the public and on public contact with the police. Respondents are asked a series of screening questions to establish whether they or their households had been victims of relevant crimes during the one-year reference period. They are then asked a series of very detailed questions about the incidents they reported. Basic descriptive background information on respondents and their households is collected to allow analysis of the sorts of people who do and do not become victims. Information is also collected on other areas that are of intrinsic interest and that could usefully be related to experience as a victim, namely, fear of crime, contact with the police, lifestyle, and self-reported offending.
Years Produced: Approximately every 4 years