After the JD Series

The After the JD (AJD) project is the first and most ambitious effort to gather systematic, detailed data about the careers and experiences of a national cross-section of law graduates. It follows a large national sample of lawyers admitted to the bar in 2000 over the first decade-plus of their careers and is a unique source of information on the changing nature of legal careers.

AJD is an empirical study of the career outcomes of a cohort of almost 5,000 new lawyers, offering both a nationally representative picture of lawyer career trajectories and an in-depth portrait of the careers of women and racial and ethnic minority lawyers. The study design is longitudinal, following the careers of new lawyers over the first ten years following law school graduation; the first cohort of lawyers was surveyed in 2002, the second in 2007, and the third in 2012.

To learn more about the After the JD project, please visit the American Bar Foundation.