Version Date: Jan 20, 2022 View help for published
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David S. Yeager, University of Texas at Austin
Version V1
Texas Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Stress Resilience and Health, 2016-2019 (TLSASR) is a multi-method study examining the effects of naturalistic stressors on adolescents as they enter and proceed through high school. This transitional period often presents adolescents with more and more complex sources of social and evaluative stress. Both stress levels and effectiveness of adolescents' responses can have consequences on their life course trajectories, including contributing to gender and racial/ethnic disparities in adult health and well-being. The TLSASR dataset aims to support researchers pursuing a deeper and more integrative understanding of this critical adolescent developmental period.
The study's data contain multiple waves of collection spanning the fall of 2016 to the spring of 2019. Informed by the biopsychosocial model of human development, the study integrates data from a range of sources and methods each wave/year. This included a survey battery assessing numerous psychological (e.g., stress, mental health, mindset), biological (e.g., height, weight, pubertal development), and contextual (e.g., school climate) factors, as well as daily in-school experience sampling, and daily salivary hormone levels for hormonal assessment. School records for each year are also included, as is an experimental manipulation testing the effects of a brief growth mindset intervention to promote improved stress resilience.
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This data collection may not be used for any purpose other than statistical reporting and analysis. Use of these data to learn the identity of any person or establishment is prohibited. To protect respondent privacy, the data files in this collection are restricted from general dissemination. To obtain these restricted files, researchers must agree to the terms and conditions of a Restricted Data Use Agreement.
Five schools in an urban district in Texas were selected to participate in the study, which collectively comprised a community sample reflecting the diversity of the local metropolitan area. All students attending normal 9th grade English classes received in-class recruitment for participation, conditional on parent consent. The first cohort was obtained in the fall of 2016 from two schools. The second cohort was obtained in fall of 2017 from one of the original schools and three additional schools.
Students entering and progressing through public high schools in the United States.
The Cohort 1 Baseline Daily dataset (DS1) contains variables covering the following categories: sleep, health, hormones, and birth control.
The Cohort 1 Baseline Session (DS2) contains variables covering the following categories: school, bullying, popularity, opinion of intelligence, public perception, depression, loneliness, social anxiety, health, height, weight, personality, race, and Body Mass Index.
The Cohort 1 Daily Diary (DS3) contains variables covering the following categories: stress, emotions, respect, belonging, perception of events, sleep, health, and hormones.
The Cohort 1 Follow Up Session (DS4) contains variables covering the following categories: test anxiety and puberty.
The Cohort 1 9th Grade Daily Diary (DS5) contains variables covering the following categories: stress, emotions, respect, belonging, health, hormones, birth control, and emotions.
The Cohort 1 9th Grade Follow Up Session (DS6) contains variables covering the following categories: depression, stress, self-esteem, social goals, social anxiety, opinion of intelligence, school, bullying, popularity, health, height, weight, Body Mass Index, personality, race, loneliness, puberty, and test anxiety.
The Cohort 1 10th Grade Daily Diary (DS7) contains variables covering the following categories: respect, belonging, stress, self-esteem, emotions, perception of events, sleep, health, hormones, birth control, and classwork.
The Cohort 1 10th Grade Follow Up Session (DS8) contains variables covering the following categories: health, self-esteem, bullying, opinion of intelligence, popularity, depression, hopelessness, social anxiety, stress, friendship, height, weight, Body Mass Index, school, loneliness, social goals, personality, narcissism, puberty, and perception of parents.
The Cohort 1 11th Grade Daily Diary (DS9) contains variables covering the following categories: hormones, sleep, health, birth control, stress, emotions, self-esteem, perception of events, peers, discrimination, school, and authenticity.
The Cohort 1 11th Grade Follow Up Session (DS10) contains variables covering the following categories: health, depression, hopelessness, self-esteem, optimism, rumination, stress, friendship, social anxiety, bullying, emotions, loneliness, social goals, narcissism, school, height, weight, Body Mass Index, puberty, perception of parents, perception, and personality.
The Cohort 1 Mindset Intervention Session (DS11) contains variables covering the following category: perception of survey activities.
The Cohort 2 Baseline Daily (DS12) contains variables covering the following categories: health, sleep, hormones, birth control, stress, respect, and belonging.
The Cohort 2 Baseline Session (DS13) contains variables covering the following categories: sex, gender, health, self-esteem, bullying, depression, social anxiety, stress, friendship, hopelessness, optimism, race, height, weight, Body Mass Index.
The Cohort 2 Daily Diary (DS14) contains variables covering the following categories: stress, self-esteem, emotions, respect, belonging, perception of events, discrimination, sleep, school, health, hormone, and birth control.
The Cohort 2 Follow Up Session (DS15) contains variables covering the following categories: mentorship, social goals, puberty, perception of parents.
The Cohort 2 9th Grade Daily Diary (DS16) contains variables covering the following categories: hormones, health, sleep, birth control, respect, belonging, self-esteem, emotions, perception of events, authenticity, discrimination, and school.
The Cohort 2 9th Grade Follow Up Session (DS17) contains variables covering the following categories: health, self-esteem, bullying, opinion of intelligence, popularity, depression, hopelessness, optimism, social anxiety, stress, friendship, height, weight, Body Mass Index, school climate, school, personality, narcissism, puberty, and perception of parents.
The Cohort 2 10th Grade Daily Diary (DS18) contains variables covering the following categories: hormones, sleep, health, birth control, stress, emotions, perception of events, peers, authenticity, and discrimination.
The Cohort 2 10th Grade Follow Up Session (DS19) contains variables covering the following categories: health, depression, hopelessness, self-esteem, optimism, rumination, stress, friendship, social anxiety, bullying, opinion of intelligence, popularity, emotions, loneliness, social goals, narcissism, height, weight, Body Mass Index, puberty, perception of parents, and personality.
The Cohort 2 Mindset Intervention Session (DS20) contains variables covering the following categories: interests, bullying, norms, belonging, perception of ethnicity identity, school climate, respect, and college preparation.
The Daily Hormones (DS21) contains variables covering the salivary levels, shipment limit of quantification (LOQ), and flag for below minimum value for the following categories: corticosterone, cortisol, cortisone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol.
The Demographics (DS22) contains variables covering the following categories: gender, race, grade level, and school program status.
The Math Coursework (DS23) contains variables covering the following categories: grade level expected, course grade, course level, course type, and course status.
The Daily Event Codings (DS24) contains variables covering the following categories: positive and negative perception of events.
2022-01-20 ICPSR data undergo a confidentiality review and are altered when necessary to limit the risk of disclosure. ICPSR also routinely creates ready-to-go data files along with setups in the major statistical software formats as well as standard codebooks to accompany the data. In addition to these procedures, ICPSR performed the following processing steps for this data collection:
The public-use data files in this collection are available for access by the general public. Access does not require affiliation with an ICPSR member institution.
One or more files in this data collection have special restrictions. Restricted data files are not available for direct download from the website; click on the Restricted Data button to learn more.
This study is provided by ICPSR. ICPSR provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for a diverse and expanding social science research community.