New 3- to 5-Day Workshops in 2015

June 1-3
Handling Missing Data Using Multiple Imputation in Stata
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Instructor: Yulia Marchenko, Stata Corporation
Description: Participants will learn how to use Stata to perform multiple-imputation analysis, a simulation-based technique for handling missing data. The workshop will discuss in detail the three stages of multiple imputation--imputation, complete-data analysis, and pooling--and provide accompanying Stata examples.
Fee: ICPSR members, $1,300; Non-members, $2,600

June 15-17
Regression Discontinuity Designs
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Instructors: Matias Cattaneo, University of Michigan, and Rocio Titiunik, University of Michigan
Description: This workshop introduces regression discontinuity (RD) designs, focusing on both basic ideas and concepts as well as recent developments. RD designs are quasi-experimental techniques commonly used in social, behavioral, and related sciences as a way of estimating causal treatment effects in cases where treatment assignment is determined based on a threshold crossing rule using an observed variable (e.g., poverty index, population, vote share, age, etc.).
Fee: ICPSR members, $1,300; Non-members, $2,600

June 22-24
Survival Analysis, Event History Modeling, and Duration Analysis
Location: Berkeley, California
Instructor: Tenko Raykov, Michigan State University
Description:  This workshop introduces an applied methodology for the analysis and modeling of time-to-event data, which ensures proper handling of censored observations (not having experienced the event of main interest by the end of the study, for various reasons). Such observations, along with complete observations, arise frequently in the medical, social, and behavioral sciences when time elapsed until event occurrence is to be modeled and explained in terms of independent variables and predictors.
Fee: ICPSR members, $1,300; Non-members, $2,600

June 22-26
Designing and Conducting Experiments in the Laboratory
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Instructors: Rick Wilson, Rice University, and Catherine Eckel, Texas A&M University
Description: Participants will learn the basics of experimental design, explore design considerations in the laboratory versus in the field, and become familiar with canonical laboratory designs.
Fee: ICPSR members, $1,500; Non-members, $3,000

July 20-24
Advanced Data Analytics: Statistical Learning and Latent Variables
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Instructor: Douglas Steinley, University of Missouri
Description: This course will combine the perspectives of latent variable modeling and statistical modeling to uncover relationships and processes within a given data set. Topics include principal component analysis and factor analysis and extensions (mixtures of factor analyzers, factor mixture models, etc.), latent trait models, latent class models, and mixture models.
Fee: ICPSR members, $1,500; Non-members, $3,000

August 3-6
Text Analytics
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Instructor: Robert Stine, University of Pennsylvania
Description: This workshop will explore the application of text analytics methods across a range of substantive topics and research areas. Techniques include using raw counts of words, forming principal components from these counts, and building regressors from counts of adjacent words. The workshop will also explore proposed hierarchical generating models often associated with nonparametric Bayesian analysis. Because regressors derived from text may be difficult to interpret, the workshop will also show how to develop interpretive hooks from quantitative features.
Fee: ICPSR members, $1,200; Non-members, $2,400

August 10-12
Qualitative Research Methods
Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Instructor: Paul Mihas, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Description: Participants will learn the rationale for using different qualitative research traditions (e.g., grounded theory and narrative analysis); approaches to analyzing qualitative data, including coding, memo writing, assessing co-occurences, and theme-building; different coding approaches, including descriptive, interpretive, holistic, and micro-coding; different memo-writing approaches (e.g., reflective, document summary, key quotation, statement, and positionality); and basic skills in qualitative software (ATLAS.ti).
Fee: ICPSR members, $1,300; Non-members, $2,600

Apr 6, 2015

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