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To access data files, users must login to ICPSR with a free ICPSR MyData account or an existing Google, LinkedIn, or Facebook account. Documentation files do not require users to log in.

Browse by Subject

  1. Health Care Providers

  2. Cost/Access to Health Care

  3. Substance Abuse and Health

  4. Chronic Health Conditions

  5. Other

The Search Variables tool is available to search for variables across datasets, compare results, and download data. You can view results individually or in the context of the study to which they belong.

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Search Tips

Select a link below to reveal search tips relevant to your search.

  • Our search indexes the full documentation for datasets, including descriptions of the variables.
  • You can search for multiple keywords:
    income health china
  • Use quotes to look for a phrase. (I.e., words in that precise order)
    "income distribution"
  • All studies are described using terms from the ICPSR Subject Thesaurus; these terms will appear as "Subject" filters on the left side of the results page.

Our search indexes the full documentation for datasets, including descriptions, labels, and survey questions for more than 4 million variables.

  • Select the "Sort by Variable Relevance" to display matching variables.
  • You can search for studies that have combinations of variables. Separate variables/concepts by commas (","):
    read newspapers, political party, volunteer access to water drug use, probation, education diet, body mass, difficulty walking

Our search indexes the full documentation for datasets, including descriptions, labels, and survey questions for more than 4 million variables.

  • Our search indexes the full documentation for datasets, including descriptions of the variables, and the search engine recognizes natural language.
  • Asking a question can sometimes return what you are looking for:
    Do children of Asian immigrants speak English in the home more often than children of Latino immigrants? Does health insurance change the use of medical services?
  • You can also search for multiple keywords:
    income health china
  • Use quotes to look for a phrase. (I.e., words in that precise order)
    "income distribution"

Our search indexes the full documentation for datasets, including descriptions, labels, and survey questions for more than 4 million variables.

  • Enter a title or name in the search box. Using quotes searches for an exact match.
    "World Values Survey" "Jon D. Miller" Afrobarometer

Additional Resources

Additional resources, including webinars and workshop materials