Version Date: Dec 3, 2018 View help for published
Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Cathy J. Cohen, University of Chicago;
Joseph Kahne, University of California, Riverside
Version V1
The Youth Participatory Politics Survey Project (YPPSP) includes questions that examined the quantity, quality, and equality of youth new media practices; as well as political and civic attitudes, behavior, and engagement (collectively referred to as "participatory politics"). The study was conducted in three waves between 2011 and 2015, and this dataset includes respondents who completed both second and third waves (2013 and 2015, respectively). A total of 1,033 respondents, who were between the ages of 15 and 27 in 2013, completed both waves. The wave 2 survey collected data from 2,343 respondents ages 15-27. The survey was administered from July 2013 to November 2013 and June 2015 to November 2015 by the survey vendor Growth from Knowledge (GfK) Group. The 2013 survey was administered online and by telephone, and the 2015 survey was administered online. The survey included oversamples of African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latino respondents. The survey asked questions about political and civic attitudes, media practices, community involvement, political engagement, news sources, and social influences. Demographic variables include age, race, education, income, and gender.
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The purpose of the Youth Participatory Politics Survey Project (YPPSP) was to capture the opinions, attitudes, and beliefs of youth and young adults aged 15-25 about new media, and to gain a better understanding of the impact of these new forms of communication on their lives. The Wave 2 and Wave 3 surveys have updated previous YPPSP findings and provided additional details about young people's involvement in online communities and their educational experiences. The purpose of the panel data obtained from these waves as part of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of how young people from different racial, ethnic, and social economic groups engaged in participatory politics, the pathways into participatory politics, and different aspects associated with the quality of engagement in participatory politics.
The Growth from Knowledge (GfK) group (formerly Knowledge Networks) conducted the Youth Participatory Politics Survey Waves 1-3 on behalf of Mills College. Specifically, the study examined the use of new media technologies among young people aged 15 through 29. The survey was conducted using a sample from KnowledgePanel as well as a sample culled from the U.S. Postal Service Delivery Sequence File. Waves 1 and 2 were administered via online and telephone modes; Wave 3 was administered online only. The data collection field periods were as follows:
For additional study design information, please refer to the accompanying study documentation.
The target population at Wave 1 consisted of the following: youth aged 15-25 in four race/ethnicity groups (White non-Hispanic, Black non-Hispanic, Asian non-Hispanic, Hispanic). At wave 2, the sample was expanded to include 26-27 year-olds and those in the "other non-Hispanic" race/ethnicity group. At Wave 3, the sample was further expanded to include 28-29 year-olds, while those in the "other non-Hispanic" race/ethnicity group were collapsed with Asian non-Hispanics for targeting.
To sample the population, GfK sampled households from its KnowledgePanel (KP), a probability-based web panel designed to be representative of the United States. The KnowledgePanel sample was implemented in two ways - a direct sample of those aged 18-25 (18-27 for Wave 2 and 18-29 for Wave 3) and a sample of parents of persons aged 15-25 (15-27 for Wave 2 and 15-29 for Wave 3). The direct sample proceeded immediately to the survey without screening.
Because KnowledgePanel was not expected to yield enough sample to hit all of the desired age by race/ethnicity targets for the project, and additional probability-based sample was implemented for each wave, using the U.S. Postal Service Delivery Sequence File as the sample frame. For more details regarding this additional sampling process, please refer to the accompanying study documentation.
Youths aged 15-27 at the time of the Wave 2 survey (2013).
Wave 2 Survey Response Rates:
Wave 3 Survey Response Rates:
For additional response rate information, please refer to the accompanying study documentation.
Several Likert-type scales were used.
2018-12-03 ICPSR data undergo a confidentiality review and are altered when necessary to limit the risk of disclosure. ICPSR also routinely creates ready-to-go data files along with setups in the major statistical software formats as well as standard codebooks to accompany the data. In addition to these procedures, ICPSR performed the following processing steps for this data collection:
Two individual-level weighting variables are included, which adjust for non-response and over-sampling. One weight ("WEIGHT3") is to be used for analyses that include all racial/ethnic groups. The other weight ("WEIGHT4") is for use in analyses of individual racial or ethnic groups.
HideThe public-use data files in this collection are available for access by the general public. Access does not require affiliation with an ICPSR member institution.
This study is provided by ICPSR. ICPSR provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for a diverse and expanding social science research community.