New Data Available: Consumer Pyramids Survey, 2014 [India]

The Consumer Pyramids Survey, 2014 [India] is the largest survey of households in India. The survey contains record-level data that are delivered in the form of population estimates. The Survey is conducted over the course of four-month periods or waves throughout the year totaling three rounds a year.  The following databases contain population estimates on a variety of topics including household-level demographics, household income and expenses, borrowing by household, and household assets.  Individual-level health status, financial inclusion, education level, caste and literacy estimates are also included.

  • People of India – contains demographic information about individual members of the household.
  • Household Income and Expenses – contains information on the principal sources of income for households and their spending on 15 major expenditure heads.
  • Household Amenities, Assets, and Liabilities – includes information on the availability of basic amenities in the households, ownership of assets, pattern of investments, and the purpose of borrowing.
  • Household Expenses – contains information on household spending across 80 expense items.
  • Composition of Incomes at the household member-level – contains detailed information about the incomes and demographics of each earning members residing in each household.
  • Composition of Incomes at the household level – includes the collective income of the households in the Consumer Pyramids sample.

Access the Consumer Pyramids Survey, 2014 [India] (ICPSR 36782) Study Page


Jun 26, 2017

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