Just Released: Arts Research Quarterly, Issue 8

Arts Research Quarterly Issue 7


The National Endowment for the Arts and the National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture are excited to share the new issue of Arts Research Quarterly.

ARQ’s eighth issue features “Reluctantly independent: motivations for self-employed artistic work,” an article by Tal Feder and Joanna Woronkowicz exploring motivations for self-employed artistic work by using data from five waves of the Contingent Worker Supplement to the Current Population Survey. In a second featured article, “Live and digital engagement with the visual arts,” Victoria Ateca-Amestoy and Concetta Castiglione use the USA 2012 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts to examine how advances in information and communication technology relate to changes in the ways in which visual arts can be both produced and consumed.

Other publications include an article on the effects of the test-based accountability of No Child Left Behind on the number of arts courses and arts educators, a paper introducing a multi-genre database of choreography sequences captured from professional dancers using motion-capture technology, and a study discussing potential research opportunities using the new Netflix data.

About Arts Research Quarterly: Produced in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Arts Research Quarterly samples recent research publications on the arts ecosystem and on the arts' value and impact for individuals and communities. The literature is based on secondary analysis of arts datasets, whether they are housed at NADAC or elsewhere. Sign up to receive notifications about new issues of Arts Research Quarterly.

About NADAC: The National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture (NADAC) is a repository that facilitates research on arts and culture by acquiring data, particularly those funded by federal agencies and other organizations, and sharing those data with researchers, policymakers, people in the arts and culture field, and the general public. It is one of several topical archives hosted by ICPSR, the largest social science data archive in the world and part of the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. NADAC is funded by the NEA. Thanks to the support from the NEA, users can obtain data from NADAC completely free of charge.



Feb 9, 2023

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