New Data Available: Tsogolo La Thanzi (TLT): Third Wave, Malawi, 2010 [Healthy Futures]


Tsogolo La Thanzi (TLT) is a longitudinal study in Balaka, Malawi designed to examine how young people navigate reproduction during an AIDS epidemic. TLT utilized an intensive longitudinal design where respondents were interviewed every four months. This study contains data from the third wave of the multi-wave study.

 Tsogolo La Thanzi (ICPSR 37204) consists of three restricted-use datasets on (1) women, (2) their male partners, and (3) a random sample of men. These datasets contain information on relationships, religion, HIV/AIDS, politics, family composition, mental health, sex and protection, pregnancy, marriage, sexually transmitted diseases, future expectations, school enrollment status, goods purchased/received, and diet. 

Future waves of TLT data are planned for release through DSDR.

Access Tsogolo La Thanzi: Third Wave, Malawi, 2010 [Healthy Futures]

Learn about the TLT Series


Nov 13, 2019

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