Carnegie Commission National Survey of Higher Education: Faculty Study Subsample, 1969 (ICPSR 7078)

Version Date: Feb 16, 1992 View help for published

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Everett Ladd; S.M. Lipset; Martin Trow

Version V1

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This study contains data obtained from one-third of a national sample of college and university faculty surveyed under the sponsorship of the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education (see CARNEGIE COMMISSION NATIONAL SURVEY OF HIGHER EDUCATION: FACULTY STUDY, 1969 [ICPSR 7501]). The original data were collected by the Survey Research Center, University of California at Berkeley, while the subsample was provided by the Social Science Data Center at the University of Connecticut. The subsample for the present study was randomly drawn and the 20,008 selected respondents were weighted to 148,372. The variables provide information on the faculty's social and educational backgrounds and professional activities, their views on a wide range of social and political issues, and opinions on educational policy. Demographic data cover age, sex, race, marital status, number of children, religion, income, and parents' levels of education and occupations. In addition to the original survey data, this study includes a number of derived measures in the form of indexes and scales.

Ladd, Everett, Lipset, S.M., and Trow, Martin. Carnegie Commission National Survey of Higher Education:  Faculty Study Subsample, 1969. [distributor], 1992-02-16.

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Carnegie Commission on Higher Education

The sample for this study represents one-third, randomly drawn, of the entire sample from the original Carnegie Commission faculty survey (see ICPSR 7501).

Faculty members of American higher education institutions.

mailback questionnaires



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:

  • Ladd, Everett, S.M. Lipset, and Martin Trow. Carnegie Commission National Survey of Higher Education: Faculty Study Subsample, 1969. ICPSR07078-v1. [distributor], 197?.

