County Chairmen Study, 1965 (ICPSR 7200)

Version Date: Feb 16, 1992 View help for published

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Survey Research Center

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This study of Republican and Democratic county chairmen was originally intended as a supplement to the AMERICAN NATIONAL ELECTION STUDY, 1964 (ICPSR 7235), enabling researchers to test relationships between campaign activities in certain counties and reported political attitudes and behavior of cross-section respondents living in those counties. These data can be merged with the AMERICAN NATIONAL ELECTION STUDY, 1964, as the county codes used in the two studies are identical. This study dealt with county-level campaigns before the 1964 election. Much of the data consist of rankings by county party chairmen of the importance of various campaign activities carried out in their counties in 1964 and evaluations of their effectiveness, with special emphasis on fundraising methods. In addition, the county chairmen were questioned about their perceptions of the other major party's operations in the county. Other data include estimates of the percentage of contributions of different sizes each party received, the structure and extent of county political organization, a total assessment of all activities, and responses given to open-ended questions on the campaign in general, again with emphasis on financial and solicitation problems, organization, and techniques.

Survey Research Center. County Chairmen Study, 1965. [distributor], 1992-02-16.

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  1. 1) The questionnaire was designed by the Citizen's Research Foundation of Princeton, New Jersey, in consultation with the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center. 2) The codebook is provided by ICPSR as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. The PDF file format was developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated and can be accessed using PDF reader software, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Information on how to obtain a copy of the Acrobat Reader is provided on the ICPSR Web site.


Republican and Democratic county chairmen from all standard Survey Research Center primary sampling units, except two Southern counties.

mailback questionnaires



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:
  • Survey Research Center. COUNTY CHAIRMEN STUDY, 1965. Conducted by University of Michigan, Survey Research Center. ICPSR ed. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [producer and distributor], 1975.
