Alameda County [California] Health and Ways of Living Study, 1974 Panel (ICPSR 6838)

Version Date: Jan 31, 2008 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
George A. Kaplan, California Department of Health Services. Human Population Laboratory

Version V2

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These data constitute the second wave of a survey designed to study the influence of health practices and social relationships on the physical and mental health of a typical sample of the population. The first wave (HEALTH AND WAYS OF LIVING STUDY, 1965 PANEL [ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA] [ICPSR 6688]) collected information for 6,928 respondents (including approximately 500 women aged 65 years and older) on chronic health conditions, health behaviors, social involvements, and psychological characteristics. The 1974 questionnaire was sent to 6,246 living subjects who had responded in 1965, and were able to be located. A total of 4,864 individuals responded in 1974. Questions were asked on marital and life satisfaction, parenting, physical activities, employment, and childhood experiences. Demographic information on age, race, height, weight, education, income, and religion was also collected. Included with this dataset is a separate file (Part 2) containing mortality data for respondents who died between the 1965 and 1974 panels, and information on nonrespondents.

Kaplan, George A. Alameda County [California] Health and Ways of Living Study, 1974 Panel. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2008-01-31.

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United States Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. National Institute on Aging (5 R37 AG11375-03)

ICPSR obtained these data from the Human Population Laboratory under the agreement that the data are for the sole use of ICPSR and may not be sold or provided to third parties outside the ICPSR membership, and that these data are not to be used for any commercial purpose. Users are reminded that, per ICPSR Bylaws, data and other materials provided by ICPSR are to be used solely for statistical analysis and reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations. Each member institution gives assurance that such uses of statistical data will conform to widely accepted standards of practice and legal restrictions that are intended to protect the confidentiality of research subjects.

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

1973-11 -- 1974-08
  1. See the codebook for a listing of publications related to this study as provided by the Human Population Laboratory.

  2. The machine-readable documentation (which includes the data collection instrument) is provided as a Portable Documentation Format (PDF) file.


A nine-year follow-up of the respondents to the 1965 survey, which consisted of a stratified random sample of Alameda County households with noninstitutionalized residents aged 21 or older, or aged 16-21 and older if married.

Households in Alameda County, California.

self-enumerated questionnaires



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:
  • Kaplan, George A. Alameda County [California] Health and Ways of Living Study, 1974 Panel. ICPSR06838-v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2008-01-31.

2008-01-31 The data have been reformatted and the setup files updated.

2006-01-12 All files were removed from dataset 3 and flagged as study-level files, so that they will accompany all downloads.



  • The public-use data files in this collection are available for access by the general public. Access does not require affiliation with an ICPSR member institution.

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This study is maintained and distributed by the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA), the aging program within ICPSR. NACDA is sponsored by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the National Institutes of Heath (NIH).