2025 ICPSR Biennial Meeting - Presenter Bios



The presenters for the ICPSR Biennial Meeting 2025 are listed below in alphabetical order.  

  J. Trent Alexander, ICPSR

J. Trent Alexander is the Associate Director of ICPSR and the Jerome Martin Clubb Collegiate Research Professor in the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. Alexander is a historical demographer and builds social science data infrastructure. He is currently leading the Decennial Census Digitization and Linkage Project (joint with Katie Genadek) and ResearchDataGov (joint with Lynette Hoelter). These projects are supported by awards from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute on Aging, the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Ballmer Group.  Session(s): Finding and Applying to Use Restricted Federal Data Just Got Easier!


 David Bleckley ICPSR

David Bleckley is a Senior Data Project Manager at ICPSR at the University of Michigan with 18 years of data analysis and archiving experience. He loves data puzzles and is passionate about using data to dismantle racism and systems of oppression. Session(s): Lightspeed Talks


Bobray Bordelon ICPSR

Bobray Bordelon joined Princeton University as the Economics & Finance Librarian in 1993 and has led Data & Statistical Services since 2004 and is the former director of the Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive (CPANDA). He is Vice-President of IASSIST and is an active member of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Data Resources Interest Group. He is wrapping up a 6-year stint on ICPSR Council and serves on the Roper Archival Advisory Committee. He is a collaborator on an IMLS grant focusing on data quality. He has been honored with the William H. Flanigan Award for Distinguished Service as an ICPSR Official Representative and the ALA BRASS Award for Excellence in Business Librarianship. He has also held many positions within the American Library Association. He has authored various articles and chapters on a wide variety of topics and is a frequent speaker at conferences. Session(s): OR/DR Bootcamp

Sara Britt ICPSR

Sara Britt, MPH is the Health and Medical Care Archive (HMCA) and Patient-Centered Outcomes Data Repository (PCODR) Data Project Manager at ICPSR, where she has worked since 2009. She currently manages data archives funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Initiative (PCORI) and long-term data acquisition projects, such as the Qualitative Data Sharing project. Session(s): Lightspeed Talks


Stephanie Carpenter

Stephanie Carpenter is the Program Manager for the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. Session(s): Data Analysis Training at Any Level, Any Time through the ICPSR Summer Program


 Megan Chenoweth, ICPSR

Megan Chenoweth is a data project manager at ICPSR. She oversees the day-to-day operations of the Social, Behavioral, and Economic COVID Coordinating Center (SBE CCC) and coordinates data curation work for the National Neighborhood Data Archive (NaNDA). Megan is a librarian with experience in data management, technical writing, training, and technical support. She has worked at the Social Environment and Health (SEH) program within ISR's Survey Research Center, where she managed and curated data for NaNDA and the Americans' Changing Lives longitudinal study. Chenoweth has a bachelor's degree in anthropology from Hamilton College and a master's degree in library and information science from Drexel University in Philadelphia.  Session(s): Lightspeed Talks


Robert Choate

Robert Choate is a Lead Curator in the Curation department of ICPSR. He has been with ICPSR for 14 years, and before that was a field interviewer for several years for ISR here at the University of Michigan. Robert now works with all types of subject data, but over the years has primarily worked with data relating to substance abuse and mental health. He has a strong affinity to the Monitoring the Future data having curated the data for many years and previously collecting the data when he was a field interviewer. Robert's goal is to help prepare clean, complete, and confidential data to secondary users for additional research and development of public policy. Session(s): Lightspeed Talks


 Linda Detterman, ICPSR

Meet Linda Detterman, ICPSR's Membership & Communications Unit at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. Her team is the digital vanguard, reshaping user experiences across ICPSR's vast domain – from websites and design to video, content, social media, conferences, and the vital ICPSR membership and Summer Program. Linda's career journey ignited at MORPACE International, where she ascended to Vice President of Planning and Research. Linda's experience further evolved through roles in strategic planning at Doner Advertising and The Los Angeles Times. With an MBA from Duke University and a BA from Alma College, she embodies a fusion of academic prowess and real-world acumen. In our ever-evolving digital frontier, Linda captains innovation, illuminating the path to a future where data are accessible, engaging, and transformative. ICPSR's digital realm, under her stewardship, radiates as a beacon of modernization, heralding a promising era of data enlightenment.  Session(s): Workshop: Understanding Methods Metadata (AKA: “I didn’t take methods and I don’t want to, just tell me what I need to know”); Workshop: Depositing, Searching, and Other ICPSR Tips; The Future is Now - Introduction to NextGen ICPSR; The Next Generation of Data Users - a roundtable happy hour; Modernizing the ICPSR Website


Rob Franzese

Robert J. (Rob) Franzese, Jr. is the Director of the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods, Professor & Associate Chair of Political Science at the University of Michigan, and a past President of the Society for Political Methodology. He is the (co)author or (co)editor of eight books or collections, including the forthcoming Empirical Analysis of Spatial Interdependence, and more than 50 articles, chapters and papers, including most recently “STADL Up! The Spatio-Temporal Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model for TSCS Data Analysis” (w/ Jude C. Hays & Scott J. Cook) in the American Political Science Review (2023). His research and teaching centers on comparative and international political economy (e.g., “The Comparative and International Political Economy of Anti-Globalization Populism,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2019) and empirical methodology, especially modeling and analysis of complex context-conditionality and spatiotemporal dependence and dynamics.  Session(s): Data Analysis Training at Any Level, Any Time through the ICPSR Summer Program; The Next Generation of Data Users - a roundtable happy hour


Jane Fry ICPSR


Jane Fry is the Data Services Librarian at MacOdrum Library, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). She has been ‘doing data’ for over 20 years and continues to be an active member in her regional, national and international data communities. She is also a past member of the ICPSR Governing Council and past Chair of the Portage Training Expert Group. She has been honoured with the William H. Flanigan Award for Distinguished Service as an ICPSR Official Representative. Jane loves working with data and making data easily accessible and understandable is her main passion at work! Session(s): OR/DR Bootcamp; Marketing Data Services

Katie Genadek


Libby Hemphill, ICPSR

Libby Hemphill directs the Resource Center for Minority Data and the Social Media Archive at ICPSR and holds a joint appointment as an Associate Professor in the UM School of Information. She joined ICPSR in September 2017 from Illinois Institute of Technology where she was an Associate Professor of Communication and Information Studies. She studies politicians, non-profit organizations, and television fans to understand how people use social media to organize, discuss, and enact social change. She also develops automated mechanisms for moderating and classifying content in social media in order to reduce toxicity in online conversations. Hemphill received a Ph.D. and M.S. in Information from the University of Michigan and an A.B. from The University of Chicago. Session(s): SOMAR: Exploring the Innovations of the Social Media Archive @ ICPSR


Lynette Hoelter ICPSR

Lynette Hoelter is the director of Instructional Resources and the National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture at ICPSR. She also co-leads an effort to support federal statistical agencies as they standardize the discovery and application processes for their restricted microdata (ResearchDataGov.org), among other projects. Common across Lynette's work is the desire to help individuals find, access, and use the data that best fit their needs and to foster quantitative reasoning skills in students and the public. Session(s): Workshop: Understanding Methods Metadata (AKA: “I didn’t take methods and I don’t want to, just tell me what I need to know”), Workshop: Depositing, Searching, and Other ICPSR Tips, Getting to NextGen, The Future is Now - Introduction to NextGen ICPSR, NextGen Access - Researcher Passport, Restricted Data Applications, and authorizing data users, Finding and Applying to Use Restricted Federal Data Just Got Easier!, The Next Generation of Data Users - a roundtable happy hour.


Marley Kalt ICPSR

Marley Kalt is a Senior Data Project Manager at ICPSR. She provides user support for the Social Media Archive (SOMAR), including coordinating data deposits, managing SOMAR’s virtual data enclave, and creating educational materials. Session(s): SOMAR: Exploring the Innovations of the Social Media Archive @ ICPSR


Kathryn Lavender

Kathryn Lavender is the data project manager for NACDA. She is involved with day-to-day operations including data deposits, restricted-use data agreements, data user requests, and long-term planning of NACDA activities in the research community. She also manages NACDA's interoperability project and the NACDA Colectica Portal. Kathryn has 15 years of experience related to data management activities.  Session(s): Lightspeed Talks


Maggie Levenstein ICPSR

Margaret Levenstein, an economist, first joined the Institute for Social Research's Survey Research Center in 2003 as the executive director of the Michigan Census Research Data Center (MCRDC), a joint project with the U.S. Census Bureau. She has taken an active role at ISR, joining the Director's Advisory Committee on Diversity in 2009 and serving as the chair of ISR's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategic planning committee and as the liaison to the larger university program. Additionally, Levenstein is associate chair of the American Economic Association's Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession and past president of the Business History Conference. Levenstein received a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University and a B.A. from Barnard College, Columbia University. Her research and teaching interests include industrial organization, competition policy, business history, data confidentiality protection, and the improvement of economic statistics.  Session(s): NextGen State of the Consortium


Jenny Li ICPSR

Jenny Li is an User Experience Designer from the Product & User Experience Team at ICPSR. She is currently designing products and working to improve user experience for Restricted Data Application and TurboCurator users. Session(s): Getting to NextGen


Bianca Monzon


Bianca Monzon is a Data Privacy and Security Manager on ICPSR's Data Privacy and Security Team. She currently manages ICPSR's Restricted Data Use and Deposit Agreements while supporting and managing the PST under the leadership of Joseph Saul. She's worked on several archive projects as a project manager, working with data producers to meet their projects' needs, and spent time in curation working directly with the data. Bianca also co-chairs ICPSR's Restricted Data Dissemination and Access Committee. Session: Lightspeed Talks


Elizabeth Moss

Elizabeth Moss is a seasoned librarian with 22 years of expertise in research data archives. She holds a Master of Science degree from Simmons University in Boston. For over 15 years, Moss has been responsible for maintaining the ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related Literature, a dynamic database supported by the National Science Foundation (SES-9977984). This resource boasts a vast collection of over 110,000 citations, encompassing more than 60 years of scholarship in quantitative social sciences, including journal articles, books, government reports, and more. Moss is an active advocate for best practices in data citation and research transparency within the social science data community. Session(s): Lightspeed Talks


Ron Nakao

Ron Nakao is a Social Science Data Librarian and Economics Librarian at Stanford. Nakao supports Stanford's researchers with Data Management Plans including sharing and preserving data, and supports faculty, research staff and students on the use of statistical software and more. He is currently Stanford's Representative to two Social Science Data Archives, ICPSR and the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, and has previously been a board member at the Association of Public Data Users (APDU) and the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Alliance. Nakao has been an ICPSR representative for nearly 20 years. He advocates for ICPSR internally at Stanford and externally at organizations such as IASSIST. As an OR, he has taught in the ICPSR Summer Program for several years on the delivery of data services and has led a bootcamp which is a key introduction of ICPSR to sometimes over 60 attendees every two years. Nakao served on the ICPSR Governing Council from 2014 to 2018. Nakao was honored with 2019 William H. Flanigan award for Distinguished Service as an ICPSR Official Representative. Session(s): OR/DR Bootcamp


Kelly Ogden-Schuette

Kelly Ogden-Schuette is the Data Project Assistant for DSDR. Her responsibilities include restricted data application management, user support, outreach, and reporting. Ms. Ogden-Schuette holds a Master's Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University. She has experience working with data related to youth, STEMM and influencing factors, and election studies. Ms. Ogden-Schuette worked for the American National Election Studies at the Institute for Social Research (ISR) from 2004-2008 and returned to ISR in 2015, transferring to the DSDR project at ICPSR in April 2019. Session(s): Lightspeed Talks


Anya Ovchinnikova

Anya Ovchinnikova is a Data Project Manager at ICPSR. She manages the NADAC data archiving services, user support, and outreach activities. She has a Masters Degree in Economics from Michigan State University and has worked at ICPSR since 2011. Session(s): Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Research: How ICPSR Helps Investigators Adhere to the NIH DMS Policy


Kyrani Reneau

Kyrani Reneau is a Senior Data Project Manager in the Project Management & User Support Unit at ICPSR. In addition to being a unit lead, she manages Acquisitions, openICPSR, and the Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention Data Repository. Session(s): Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Research: How ICPSR Helps Investigators Adhere to the NIH DMS Policy 


Anna Shelton ICPSR

Annalee Shelton is the Membership Engagement Manager at ICPSR, supporting 800+ member institutions who are using data to make an impact on real life. Her role is to help members with any questions that arise, to help Official and Designated Representatives connect with each other, and to help share the incredible work being done with ICPSR data. Anna's previous experience includes the American Red Cross and UCLA. She received her BA from California State University, Northridge and her MA in Social Entrepreneurship and Change from Pepperdine University. Session(s): Workshop: Depositing, Searching, and Other ICPSR Tips; The Future is Now - Introduction to NextGen ICPSR; ICPSR Bingo; The Next Generation of Data Users - a roundtable happy hour; Modernizing the ICPSR Website



 Alison Sweet ICPSR

Alison Sweet is a Senior Data Project Manager at ICPSR. Her responsibilities for the Social Media Archive (SOMAR) include project administration, restricted data access management, outreach activities, and reporting. She also manages the Archive of Data on Disability to Enable Policy and Research (ADDEP). Session(s): SOMAR: Exploring the Innovations of the Social Media Archive @ ICPSR


David Thomas

David Thomas is a senior data project manager at ICPSR. He has been with ICPSR since 2003 and has held various positions across the curation and project management teams. He has been with the Resource Center for Minority Data (RCMD) since 2007 as the archive/project manager. RCMD is an archive whose mission is to acquire, disseminate, and promote data on underrepresented populations. While its initial focus was on underrepresented populations by race and ethnicity, that focus has expanded to include underrepresented gender identity and sexual orientation. Session(s): Finding and Applying to Use Restricted Federal Data Just Got Easier!


 Jenna Tyson ICPSR

Jenna Tyson is the Brand Manager at ICPSR. Her role is to help communicate the incredible work being done with ICPSR data. She designs materials ranging from booth graphics to logos to flyers, brochures, and posters. In her spare time, she loves to read mysteries and discover new places to visit.  Session(s): ICPSR Bingo; The Next Generation of Data Users - a roundtable happy hour; Modernizing the ICPSR Website