Chitwan Valley [Nepal] Family Study Series
The Chitwan Valley Family Study (CVFS) is a comprehensive mixed method panel study of individuals, families, and communities in the Chitwan Valley of Nepal. The study investigates the influence of social contexts on population processes and the relationships between the environment and population processes. The data include full life histories for more than 10,000 individuals, tracking and interviews with all migrants, and linked human and natural systems.
Two studies make up the CVFS series:
The Changing Social Contexts and Family Formation study was designed to investigate the influence of changing social contexts on family formation behaviors, marriage, childbearing, and contraceptive use. These data were combined with data from the Chitwan Valley Family Study 1996-1997 and the Household Agriculture and Consumption Survey 1996. (more).
The Labor Outmigration, Agricultural Productivity and Food Security study was a three year project with the aim to investigate the consequences of labor outmigration on agricultural productivity in a poor agricultural country persistently facing food security problems. This project's data collection is made up of two datasets: the Household Agriculture and Migration Survey and the Women's Time Use Survey. (more).
The CVFS is supported by multiple grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Additional information about the CVFS project is available on the Chitwan Valley Family Study website.