These resources were created especially for undergraduate faculty and students. While any of ICPSR's data and tools can be used in the classroom, the ones provided here make it easy for instructors to set up data-driven learning experiences. The materials can be used as the basis for assignments, as an in-class or study exercise, for lecture content, or any other way you see fit. All resources are provided under a Creative Commons (attribution) License.

If there is an additional type of resource you would find useful, we would love to hear from you!

Data-Driven Learning Guides

Stand-alone exercises that use online data analysis to teach social science concepts

These standardized exercises introduce (or reinforce) key concepts in the social sciences by guiding students through a series of questions and related data analyses. Analyses are preset so students can focus on content rather than mechanics of data analysis. To assist instructors with selection, guides are also categorized by the most sophisticated statistical test presented in the exercise.

View All (You can filter by analysis method on the results screen.)

Exercise Modules

These resources are made up of sequenced activities. While assignments may be created using a few of the exercises in a set, the full package must be used to meet the stated learning objectives for each. Exercise Sets are often appropriate for Research Methods courses and more substantively focused courses.