Behavioral Correlates of War, 1816-1979 (ICPSR 8606)

Version Date: Jan 12, 2006 View help for published

Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s)
Russell J. Leng

Version V3

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The behavior of various states involved in 45 interstate crises over the past 164 years is the focus of this data collection. More specifically, these data follow the attempts of these states to influence others and the responses generated over the course of the crises. The sample reflects a broad historical range of crises and includes those that involve war as well as those that do not. Each data file contains information on a crisis or set of crises. Within each data file the cases represent actions taken during the crisis period. The data allow for a micro level of analysis with measures that distinguish a wide range of cooperative and conflictive interstate actions. In addition, measures are included that are sensitive to the mix of different behaviors and that record the tempo of the action within given time intervals. There are two computer programs provided with this data collection. Part 32, the Crisis Program, allows for the counting and scaling of events. Part 43, the Demand Program, searches for demands, and describes and categorizes actions resulting from the demands.

Leng, Russell J. Behavioral Correlates of War, 1816-1979. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2006-01-12.

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  • EndNote
National Science Foundation (SES-8818927 and SES-9025130)
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

1816 -- 1979
1974 -- 1991
  1. Part 32 is the Crisis Program, an interactive program written in VAX-11 PASCAL, which contains subroutines for counting and scaling actions. This program was written for use on a Digital VAX mini-computer. Part 33 is a categorization and weight scheme used by the Crisis Program. This scheme is necessary to run the Crisis Program. This scheme may be modified by users to their own specifications. It also should be noted that in order to use the Crisis Program, the names of the crisis files and of the categorization/weight scheme file MUST match the part names provided below, excluding the sections in parentheses. Part 43, the Demand Program, searches the selected data file for a demand directed by one state on another and describes any inducements that accompany the demand. It also then searches, describes, and categorizes any actions resulting from these demands. Part 44 is a listing of categories that must accompany Part 43.


Stratified sample of interstate crises.

Identified population of interstate crises, 1816-1980.

newspaper accounts (primarily THE NEW YORK TIMES), English and foreign language accounts by diplomatic historians, and prepared chronologies



2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was:
  • Leng, Russell J. Behavioral Correlates of War, 1816-1979. ICPSR08606-v3. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2020-01-28.

2006-01-12 All files were removed from dataset 45 and flagged as study-level files, so that they will accompany all downloads.

