This is an external resource to which ICPSR links as a courtesy. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners (via DataArts) directly for details on obtaining these resources.

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DataArts, formerly the Cultural Data Project, was founded to bring the language and leverage of data to the business of culture. The Cultural Data Profile (CDP) is DataArts' flagship service, which thousands of cultural nonprofits use annually to report their financial and programmatic information. The Cultural Data Profile (CDP) is a detailed online survey of financial, programmatic, and demographic information that cultural nonprofits fill out once annually, and use to apply for funding to multiple grant programs. Other organizations provide data as part of integrated surveys administered by national arts service organization partners. This data powers a suite of business intelligence reports which cultural leaders use to better manage their organizations. It also contributes to a robust, national data resource for research and advocacy.


  1. Data seekers may request aggregated or disaggregated data. Please see the About the Dataset section for frequently asked questions and policies for using the dataset.

  2. DataArts' predecessor organization, the Cultural Data Project, operated for nearly a decade as a project of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Current funders include:

    More details about DataArts' funding can be found here.

  3. For additional details, data users can contact DataArts staff.
