This is an external resource to which ICPSR links as a courtesy. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners (via Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)) directly for details on obtaining these resources.

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The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), which began in 1996, is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers (doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, etc.), and employers across the United States. MEPS collects data on the specific health services that Americans use, how frequently they use them, the cost of these services, and how they were paid for, as well as data on the cost, scope, and breadth of health insurance held by and available to the U.S. workers.


  1. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners directly (through the link provided) for details on obtaining the data and documentation.
