About Us

  • The National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA), located within ICPSR, is funded by the National Institute on Aging. NACDA's mission is to advance research on aging by helping researchers to profit from the under-exploited potential of a broad range of datasets.
  • NACDA acquires, preserves, and shares data relevant to gerontological research. We curate data and documentation to promote effective research use, facilitate data sharing across the research community, and provide data user support for our hosted data collections. 
  • By providing free access to the largest library of electronic data on aging in the United States, NACDA offers opportunities for secondary analysis on major issues of scientific and policy relevance.
  • NACDA consists of a team of professional researchers, archivists and technicians who work together to obtain, curate, share, and promote data relevant to aging research.