This is an external resource to which ICPSR links as a courtesy. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners (via Office of Head Start Program Information Report (PIR)) directly for details on obtaining these resources.

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The Office of Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) provides comprehensive data on the services, staff, children, and families served by Head Start and Early Head Start programs nationwide. All grantees and delegates are required to submit PIR for Head Start and Early Head Start Programs. PIR data is compiled for use at the federal, regional, state, and local level.

The PIR collects data on child, staff, and family demographics and program characteristics including data on physical health, mental health, disabilities, and family services. All of this data is aggregated and reported by each program to the Office of Head Start.

United States Department of Health and Human Services. Administration for Children and Families. Office of Head Start

  1. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners directly (via the Head Start Enterprise System) for details on obtaining the data and documentation.
  2. 2017-10-31 Summary field has been updated to better reflect data owner's holdings.


All staff, children, and families served by Head Start and Early Head Start programs nationwide.
