Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (ICPSR 36543)

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Center for Economic Studies (U.S.)

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The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) program is part of the Center for Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau. The LEHD program produces new public-use information combining federal, state and Census Bureau data on employers and employees under the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership. The LED Partnership works to provide economic indicators needed by state and local authorities.

LEHD provides access to the LED Extraction Tool which allows user to custom query data by firm characteristics. For research related to the arts, users can custom query the subset of data for firms considered part of the "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation" industry.

The LEHD mission is to provide new dynamic information on workers, employers, and jobs with state-of-the-art confidentiality protections and no additional data collection burden. See this one-page document on LED for more information.


  1. Data products provided by LEHD include: For more information visit the LEHD Data page.
  2. For questions, contact staff at CES.Local.Employment.Dynamics@census.gov.


Under the LED Partnership, states agree to share Unemployment Insurance earnings data and the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data with the Census Bureau. The LEHD program combines these administrative data, additional administrative data and data from censuses and surveys. From these data, the program creates statistics on employment, earnings, and job flows at detailed levels of geography and industry and for different demographic groups. In addition, the LEHD program uses these data to create partially synthetic data on workers' residential patterns.

Data are collected on all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

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