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Family income and expenditure surveys are conducted using registered household data with the county/city for the general population. Individuals residing in Taiwan area and possessing the nationality of the Republic of China and their families that living together are the coverage of the survey. This survey has been conducted annually since 1970. Stratified 2-Stage Random Sampling is used to select those to be interviewed. The Ts'un and Li, a basic administrative unit, is designated as the primary sampling unit (PSU), and the household in the PSU is the secondary sampling unit (SSU). The universal sampling rate is about 0.20%, which is 15,858 households. The survey comprises the makeup of the family, home appliances, the residence's status and income and expenditure. Data are collected both by interview survey and by diary survey. The outcome is used to calculate the percentage of families that own home appliances, the percentage of families that own residential real estate and the average household disposable income, expenditure and savings. For annual cumulative statistics, the reference time is the one-year period from January 1 to December 31. For static data, the reference time is the end of the year. The interview was executed from next January to February. The final result of the survey will be released at the end of August and the report will be published in October.


  1. These data are not available for distribution by ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners for details on obtaining the data and documentation.
