Voter News Service General Election Exit Poll, 2002 (ICPSR 35088)

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Voter News Service

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These data were collected through interviews conducted with voters in 50 states and the District of Columbia as they left their polling places on election day, November 5, 2002, or, in the case of Oregon, where all votes were cast by mail, in phone surveys conducted immediately before the election. In this national sample, respondents were asked a series of questions about their electoral choices, the issues surrounding the election, whether they had trouble casting their vote, and their actual vote choice in the 2000 presidential election. Respondents were also asked about their approval or disapproval of the way George W. Bush was handling his job, and if they would vote for his re-election in 2004. In addition, respondents were queried on military action against Iraq, and their concerns regarding the economy and terrorism. Background information on respondents includes age, race, gender, Hispanic descent, age of children in household, marital status, political party, political orientation, employment status, education, religion, and family income.


  1. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners directly for details on obtaining the data and documentation.
