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Data covering opinions about politicians, parties, and political issues were gathered for the first three waves of this panel study before the Bundestag election in 1990, and again for a fourth wave after the election. Topics include voting behavior in the most recent general election, party preference, attitudes toward political candidates, issue relevance and competence of parties versus coalitions, projected results of this election, views regarding the respondent's personal economic situation, attitudes toward the 35-hour work week, opinions about the unification of Germany and the short- or long-term advantages or disadvantages of unification, interest in opinion polls and their possible influence on voting, and beliefs about television programming's neutrality in the election campaign. Other subjects covered were fear of losing one's job, interest in media coverage of political issues, preferred newspaper, political discussions among family members, education level attained, and religiosity.


1989-11 -- 1990-12
1989-11 -- 1990-12
  1. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners directly for details on obtaining the data and documentation.
