German Election Study, 1994 (Politbarometer East) (ICPSR 34722)

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Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (Mannheim)

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This data collection is part of an omnibus study on German political attitudes and behavior, with a focus on the 1994 German Federal Parliament election. This study is a cumulative file of monthly Politbarometer East surveys for 1994. Interviews were conducted with German citizens living in areas that were part of the former East Germany. Questions focused on a wide range of political issues, including respondents' opinions of German political parties and politicians, both before and after the German Federal Parliamentary election of 1994. These topics were covered in all of the monthly surveys: assessment of the most important political problems confronting the German Federal Republic. - respondent's party preference, inclination, and identification. - choices made at the polls in the last Federal Parliamentary election. - sympathy scale for the parties and selected politicians. - self-assessment on a left-right political continuum. - fear of loss of the respondent's own job or the jobs of others. - respondent's current union membership. - respondent's religious beliefs and practices. Other topics were covered in at least one monthly survey: preference for voting by absentee ballot versus voting in the polling station. - certainty and time of personal vote decision. - attitude toward a one-party government of CDU/CSU (Christlich Demokratischen Union Deutschlands or Democratic Christian Party/Christlich Soziale Union in Bayern or Bavarian Social Christian Union) or SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands or Social Democratic Party). - satisfaction with the result of the Federal Parliamentary election. - coalition preference. - attitude toward a statement of willingness by the SPD to form a coalition. - attitude toward a Red-Green minority government with toleration by the PDS (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus or Democratic Socialist Party). - preference for one-party government and party preference. - assessment of the chances of the SPD with Gerhard Schroeder as party candidate for chancellor, as well as the chances of the CDU without Chancellor Helmut Kohl. - sympathy scale for the present coalition and for the opposition. - assessment of who the most important politicians were in Germany at the time. - comparison of Rudolf Scharping and Kohl regarding credibility, energy, sense of responsibility, social attitude, honesty, winner type, representation of interests regarding other nations, strength of leadership, and better government team, as well as ability in economic areas. - satisfaction with democracy in Germany. - necessity for new parties. - respondent's interest in politics. - opinion on the general condition of German society and comparison of Germany to other Western European countries. - judgment on the vote to introduce the political order of the West. - opinion of socialism as an idea. - general assessment of the reunification of Germany. - fulfillment of personal expectations tied to reunification. - assessment of the economic situation in eastern Germany and the respondent's own economic situation. - expectation of Germany's further economic development. - expectation of Germany's economic recovery. - judgment on the job of the trust-company. - ability of the government versus the opposition to solve economic problems in eastern Germany, as well as in western Germany. - importance of which party governs in relation to the respondent's own economic situation. - credibility of the election promises of the parties regarding tax reductions. - ability of a federal government led by the CDU/CSU, in comparison to one led by the SPD, to protect jobs, fight crime, protect the environment, improve the housing market, and solve the asylum problem. - whether living conditions were basically the same in eastern Germany as in western Germany. - whether the federal government had achieved equivalent living conditions between the eastern and western regions, and, if conditions were not equal, whether the respondent had an expected time period for the achievement of equality. - preference for wage increases versus job security. - expectation of the retention of the high wage level in Germany, with short working hours and long vacations. - satisfaction with the year's wage negotiations. - opinion of dual citizenship. - preferred government economic measures. - opinion of the "large bugging operation" to combat organized crime. - opinion of nursing care insurance, and identification of the political party that hindered a consensus on that issue. - support for the elimination of a work holiday in order to finance nursing care insurance. - coming to terms with the former DDR's STASI (DDR Ministry for State Security or secret police). - satisfaction with the performance by the government. - comparison of the SPD to a red-green coalition as a better government. - significance of the decisions of the Municipal Council, State Parliament, and Federal Parliament, as well as the EC (European Community) Parliament. - intention to participate in, and party preference for, the European election. - advantages of EC membership for Germany. - extent to which the respondent feels adequately informed about the EC. - interest in European policies. - attitude toward an increased role for the European Parliament. - whether final responsibility for policy should lie with the federal government or with the European Union regarding the fight against unemployment and crime, as well as economic development and foreign and security policies. - fear of crime. - preferred successor to Federal President Weizsaecker. - judgment on the testimony of Prime Minister Stolpe before the investigating committee, and on demands for Stolpe's resignation. - desire to become self-employed. - perceived threat from Russia, as well as from Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky. - attitude toward the deployment of the German Armed Forces in blue-helmet missions. - opinion of the participation by Germany in a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) peace initiative in Bosnia-Herzegovina. - attitude toward United Nations (UN) military missions, given violation of the safety zones. - opinion as to a time limit on the solidarity tax. - predictions as to the winners of the impending Federal Parliament election. - significance of the second vote. - assumed coalition preference of the SPD. - credibility of the renewal of the PDS. - desirability and chances of the PDS, FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei or Liberal Democratic Party), and Greens to be elected to the Federal Parliament. - significance of the PDS as a political power in eastern Germany. - feared cautiousness of investors as a result of a PDS success. - judgment of the 5-Percent Clause. - attitude toward the exception for direct mandates in the 5-Percent Clause. - chances of the CDU/CSU having a one-party government. - evaluation of the other parties' dealings with the PDS, and coalition preferences. - perception of the FDP as an appendage of the CDU/CSU. - attitude toward a coalition of the Greens with the CDU. - most important tasks that the government faces. - preference for fee financing of the ARD (First German Television Network) and the ZDF (Second German Television Network) versus financing through advertising income. - attitude toward elimination of the church tax. - opinion on the controlled administering of drugs under medical supervision. - attitude toward elimination of the child allowance above a certain income. - attitude toward longer business hours one evening a week. - preference for a more market-oriented economy or for more social security. - opinions on the previous year and expectations for the future. Also encoded in every survey wave were day of survey and administrative district.


1994-01 -- 1994-12
  1. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners directly for details on obtaining the data and documentation.
