Roper Center for Public Opinion Research (ICPSR 167)

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University of Connecticut. Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

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Founded in 1947, the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is a leading educational facility in the field of public opinion. Housed at the University of Connecticut, the Roper Center offers its subscribers online access to its computer-based library of survey research and public opinion data. Along with iPOLL (a comprehensive source for United States public opinion data), the archive includes survey data collections covering such topical areas as: elections, presidential approval ratings, social and political trends, and Japanese and European world views. Descriptions of all of the Center's archived datasets are available online, and codebooks are available to download without subscribing. The site also offers a bibliographic database of citations for works based in part on Roper Center data resources and collections.


  1. These data are not available from ICPSR. Users should consult the data owners directly for details on obtaining the data and documentation
